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>>1394Do you remember that episode of LoTGH when they were talking about moral degeneracy of society?
The fat prostitute was a nice touch.
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Any Mezzo Forte otaku?
>>1387Gantz wasn't that great anyway. I would describe it like a train crash, ironically.
Sex is a part of life too just like fetishism, conflict, death, drinking coffee or whatever the author chooses to create.
I think it was quite appropriate for Gantz to be honest. After all the manga was really just a form of prolonged masturbation.
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>>1422I think Gantz is full of unnecessary sex scenes, chapter 168
when Tae sucked Kei's penis.
>After all the manga was really just a form of prolonged masturbation.I admit it, I ended reading the entire manga just to see if Kishimoto Kei was ever raped.
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It is annoying when it appears out of the blue (like, the scene with Lara Croft from Gantz).
But it is nice when a romantic couple actually has sex, whether it's shown or simply hinted at.
>>1423Kishimoto wasn't even in most of the manga anyway.
The point is he made a manga that is pure masturbation in terms of ego stroking, sexulization, crazy action, huge weapon, and just about every niche fetish you can think of. Tae performing oral sex fits in perfectly to that kind of work.
>>1424Kareshi Kanojo no Jijō is a good example.
>>1425This is why I always relate Golden Boy to Gantz, they're very similar even the unnecessary amount of violence.
>>1428I don't really see anything wrong with that kind of story in theory. It's not like there is anything more deep about namedropping and fumbling around with philosophical concepts that seem to make a story "truly great" in the eyes of critics.
It's only unnecesary when you write a story that has nothing to do with sexual themes and then add a gratuitous sex scene as a type fan service. This would describe many movies in the 80's and 90's but doesn't describe movies like Sex is Comedy, Showgirls, The Lover, or Titanic.
If you take a VN like a Type-Moon such as FS/N or a Nitro+ title like Saya you find stories where the relationships develop enough in ways that a sexual relationship is plausible. To state that stories like that aren't meant to have sex scenes is to imply that they are intended for young teenage audiences. The sexual scenes are meant to be adult scenes which enforce the gravity of the situation and mature consequences the characters face: People die when they are killed.
There is no "fade to black" in real life unless somebody drugs you.