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I unironically want to try it at least once, preferably with an ugly loser (it's less gay that way) that'd actually appreciate it (since I'm only ever going to do it once) and can keep a secret. I bet it'd make receiving blow jobs so much better.
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>>4263What if I swallow every last drop? It's less gay if I do that, right?
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I want to suck a dick!
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no homo….
>>4274fags ain't some modern invention, you retarded faggot.
faggots have been around since at least as far back as ancient rome, if you weren't a retard, you should have really begged to die like two and half thousand years ago. indeed, i bet your retarded ass didn't even know that the italian dictator, mussolini, strove to make italy as great as the roman empire was and so he had a literal faggot for his flag.
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You think it LOOKS fun? Then imagine how fun it is when you DO it! I can't help but think we've been blessed that dicks have the shape and have the function they have. Any shape or size, they can't help but look yummy and made for sucking.