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She's way too young to be handling that!
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Current thought is how she must smell like fine matcha.
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>>394372Not like beer or sake?
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>>394373No she takes many baths and undoubtedly uses green tea extract cleaning products.
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I remember making this very thread a while ago, why did you remake it? Not that I'm complaining, you can't have enough Kaede.
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Given the choice between Kaede and other idols, I'd rather marry even girls like Fred and Tomoe instead of Kaede. Kaede could easily be a tiptop girlfriend, yeah, but she would fare horribly as a wife. Why? Well, first of all, you can't have kids with her and expect anything but defective children, because she's past the prime breeding age and fetal alcohol syndrome is a thing. It's also a given Kaede has f*cked countless other guys already, being a sexy model with bad drinking habits in her mid 20s. I don't know you ota, but I think wives should be pure. Pre-marital sex is wrong and all that. Furthermore, Kaede is famous and your relationship would constantly be on the spotlights of the media, in a way she, the woman, is seen as the centerpiece of the relationship, not you. And this drunkard probably doesn't like or even know how to do housewife stuff such as ironing and cooking, she's a spoiled model after all. And let's not forget, drunk women are plain annoying. So there you have it, Kaede: a useless, annoying wife that will give birth to retarded children. But she would make an excellent lover.
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Do you forgive her? (she ate them)
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Come to think of it, she went from top model to just some singer. Isn't that a downgrade? Surely models are more prestigious than idols?
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>>407026Not really. Idols do plenty of things models can do and more.
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>>407026I would say she's too old to be a model, but she's still gorgeous and top models like Cindy Crawford and Gisele Bündchen modeled well after they were 30 so I dunno.
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I can't think about anything…
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>>423987There are at least 10 things I can think about in this image.
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>>424065Cold snow
hot bath
the number 25
multiple kinds of hair
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>>429100It's KaedePs who are self-absorbed.
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>>429130Kae does NOT like chubby teenagers.
Except Fumika.
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>>433779She's too busy to go, you're going with KWSM instead.
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This graceful young lady is so unpopular….
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I like her hair fluffly, but I like long hair so I dunno if I like her hair overall.
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>>450194You can't have both though.
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