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Her hair flower is so pretty I don't even feel the need to look at the rest of the picture. Is there anything else to see?
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>>402674There are gorgeous eyes, gorgeous lips and a stunning body, but you can look only to her fluffy hair for some years before seeing the rest of the pic.
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>>402702I think you're forgetting Riko's special predilections.
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Does anybody know where i can get this senji cover for under 50,000円? I asked on kakashi nenpo but maybe You-experts here could help
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>>402718Post the original.
>>402751Are they the ones they call body pillows? They don't look the height of a person though.
Anyway, I'm not going to buy one at a store, I'll look like a pervert…
>>402754Body pillows and inner pillows are the same thing, it's just that body pillow is what normal people call the inner pillows by themselves, as they obviously don't have the covers. In dakimakura shops, the proportions of inner pillows fit exactly the proportions of the cover, but if you're buying a body pillow from say, a Western bedding store, you'll have to pay attention to proportions. Many will match your cover, many will not. But in any case, you shouldn't have to worry about seeming like a pervert, because most normal people have at least heard of hugging body pillows at night (at least without
cute covers).
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She has the best belly and the best fashion style in Uranohoshi Girls' High School and I can prove it.
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How does her little pretty nose feels like?
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>>403758Do you have your evidence? I was certain Daiya had the best of those.
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>>403772I saw them at their P.E. classes. Kanan comes in the second place though.
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>>403773But you have no *proof*
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>>403774As I said I can prove it, but I don't think I should, otherwise I'll be arrested and everyone on ota will think that I am a creep for taking pics of girls on their PE.
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>>403775Are you a PPF? (Panty pervert freak)
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>>403777Maybe. But here, have a pic.
>>403790Wow bet it would feel good to stick it in her pOOsy.
>Please excuse my poor English don't know what vagina feels likeMaddening, can't take it much more.
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>>403790She has very muscular thighs.
>>403790Still no onahole in 2018?
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>>403807That's what you get by being the whole day on a boat.
>>403807>Still no onahole in 2018?I've used 6 onaholes, threw most of them out, and 99% of the time would rather jack off with my hand than use the onaholes I still have.
I know they feel nothing like a vagina.
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>>403813She said she loves Riko, not Chika.
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>>403826They probably feel better. And you must not be using them right.
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steam machine
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>>411654Four You airfield? I don't get it.
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My math could be off butt does she have the biggest butte?
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>>423267I think that's Mari by a wide margin.
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>>423270Looks very firm and toned to me.
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What is she going to do with it?
New Dekegi mag scans. No.444337
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>>444311Mawri and Yohane on a deito??
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YOU + ME = Yumi
>>497151Yeah, so those threads you bumped were on page 100 because nobody wanted to discuss the topic any more. Why come to a forum for dialogue and use it for mastrubatory monologue.
Just go to some booru and press ctrl+d and leave the rest of us out of it. Or even make a new thread or even add anything to the previous discussion. This kind of inanity is pathetic, let alone the fact that you get 1 reply for every 20 threads you necro. Or even check out the same idea and placing it in a different forum that hasn't already gone over it, or some place like gaia or /vg/ where there's whole boards dedicated to such cycling over singular topics.
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>>497166But she only wears them sometimes, does that make her only sometimes smart?
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Cutest girl in the cutest couple in the cutest franchise
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