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Why wasn't it more popular…
It's got the best OP
No Tachibana fanart
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I cried at the end
after I clicked ``Set as Complete'' I upped the score to 10
>>413830>best OPIndeed the best ED, but OP?
Don't think so.
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>>413902The ED was just an umbrella getting rained on. OP is very cute and fun. Clouds turn into alpacas. Can't find it on youchube though.
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>>413935Tell me if you can see: not it's probably blocked on Trumpland, I tried to queue it on dubtrack and failed too.
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>>413938Nope. I have the song though I was talking about the OP sequence. I love both Aimer and Honeyworks, Aimer girl is super cute and wears glasses. No.413941
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>>413940As I thought, US blocks it. know that because Dubtrack is hosted there and I often have problems queueing some anime openings that I can see at my computer.
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Is it a coincidence that there's an active shooter at youtube the hour their policies are discussed on ota?
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
>>433175koi wa ameagari no you ni?
kind of, it's a bit slow and the main character is not very interesting, I'd recommend just reading the source material.
But if you meant Shinoa and her show, then yes, you should be worshipping Shinoa
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>>433176You're not allowed to not like it.
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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Around, or not around
that was the first embodiment of those surrealist moments
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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This is how mafia works
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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>>451641Yes. Serval's memories may be gone but her spirit burns just as bright. It took courage for Kaban to be happy for her. I felt Kaban's happiness and sadness along with her.
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
Its together?
Or its ``not together'' as HELL?
A kind heart echo in the 風
And many anon with 心 full of LOVE is ``jaded'' as HELL
Ahh そう
What was it again?
Part of something, which meant nothing, but felt like Everything…
This, its the song echo back in a MOST きれい as HELL lake if some lonely Anon does glance in those gentle waves for longest enough……….
"I remember love"
Its 3 time.
Bloody Mary.
I remember love squared, plus one.
And it appear! In a yume, but then we DID wake up in MOST unsettled conditions…………….
Ahh…it appears, these many thought of poetic magenta frosting, were not a genjitsu…
In fact, they DID seem in a reality for a moment, buts its all yume.
Whats it reality? If you can be a Hegel scholar as HELL? Or a zen masters? Or perhaps, its just require a simple intuition.
It may be the reality, was simply, the very last traces of those dreamlike days.
But, its important for rememberance, /jp/…/jp/…hitori jaanai… (◡◡)
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
>>471606she's a girl
It's from Saikano
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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Keep dreamlike spirit.
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days
>>508264It wasn't that bad, it was perfectly adequate for a oelvn. If /a/ hyped it up so much that ks was disappointing, then that's really their own fault for expecting so much from a oelvn made by a bunch of sweaty misfits.
I also looked it up, it was raide who passed away, he was one of the artists but also acted as one of the directors on ks.
>>508265they recruited their staff on 4chan and spammed it really hard on and around 4chan and as I said the demo had a really solid sense of humor despite cracks showing (they published the demo in broken japanese who cringed at the title and got laughed at)
there's a reason why them and their game were banned from /jp/
in the grand scheme of things outside of imageboards it's not really a popular game, even by indie or vn standards
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together, or not together
these are the last traces of those dreamlike days