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i drank too much caffeen and i feel kike im going to die i can feel it too mchh i was pasying to day all hourse and very sick please help
File: 1523496416170.jpg (80.49 KB, 750x510, 1523006470303.jpg)

Why do they take apart im@s units after one song?
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Asuka is Shiki's secret toilet.
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>>415646So I have tell 4 of these young girls they aren't good enough?
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save asuka
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Hey ota guess what
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If Shiki:
Places 3rd - All of ota owes me a soda
Places 2nd - Teenmin owes me $20
Places 1st - Teenmin owes me a whole image board.
>>439517Shiki! No.477872
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>>477841Kanade: After years of thinking she's just too good for the rest of LiPPS, she teamed up with legendary songstress Kaede.
Syuko: Hung around with Sae for a little while but currently unable to find herself. Often reminisces of the good old LiPPS days.
Mika: After her relationship with Ranko fell apart, she longed for the sex appeal of LiPPS. She gathered up the trendiest gals she could find and is currently performing as Gossip Club.
Shiki & Fred: The eternal twosome stayed with each other post-LiPPS, but eventually parted ways in 2019. Shiki was last seen climbing the tower of Babel with Asuka. Fred is believed to be involved with a milk farmer and a serial breast grabber.
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They can't keep
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getting away
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with this.
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>>491682>>491683>>491684Who's going to stop this band of serial kissers?