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File: 1526265708618.jpg (198.11 KB, 600x800, __tachibana_arisu_idolmast….jpg)

>>420470No, the pictures turn up on expanda eventually.
File: 1526270142731.jpg (56.53 KB, 598x606, 51c034f94838c97650f557b6bc….jpg)

>>420499sometimes artist don't put their art on pixiv instead only uploading it to twitter or somewhere else. booru also have lots of tags to search for specific things which pixiv doesn't have
>>420506i'll judge the art myself. i don't use others rankings for what is aesthetic. i always find the best images when i do character searches or search for something specific. twitter and tumblr are western companies so if you're using those then there's no nippon purity that makes booru innately bad.
use whatever you want i'll keep using all things to find the best results
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File: 1575995579506.jpg (223.26 KB, 750x892, 76973186_p0.jpg)

Me trying to get artists to re-allow their work on booru.