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>>421286And now you're in love.
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It takes Ice Princess Eli to freeze your heart solid and Umi to shatter it with a piercing love arrow.
a good thread ruined once again
way to go henri
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>>421305What is her weapon?
>>421305U wina epic "red-pill"? U kentchanj society. Teh first step n betterinyurselv starts wiv usinteh appropriaetboards.
Ur refusol2 impruvon aneuv tehtings r9polbros alwaizlist nteir "things gfs wan" etc happens bcus uv ur refusol2 impruvyurselv on teh chanosphere.
U sit n front uv teh computrcomplaining, expectinn gf 2 juts falfrem teh sky simplibcus u win1. Et dsntrok dat wey nor welet.
If u post no gftreads on ota etstiem 2 go back. Ota s 4 2d onli n takinet easy. Ya ai no u weeron ota n /jp/ sinse1620 despite no accuallifindinintel2017.
N short, r9pokls r oleithrextremeliunintelligent or trolling.
>>421320You want an epic "brown pill"?
You can't stop shitting.
The first step in bettering your shites starts with eating the appropriate foods. Your refusal to improve your fibre intake happens because of your refusal to improve your diet. You sit on the toilet straining, expecting a nice clean shite to fall out simply because you want one. It doesn't work that way nor will it.
If you eat curry it's time to cut back.
Fibre is for looser stools and shitting it easy.
Yeah I know you were taking fat steamers despite only spurting out a little diarrhea.
In shite, your poops are all either extremely smelly or messy.
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How do you feel about latesummer Umi?
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>>430781I prefer earlyfall
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Q: What does Kotori do when her shirt gets a tear?
A: Sew, no duh.
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>>435635We pronounce sew like sow here so its Sonoduh!
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How did you know?
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>>465061She would never kill a fan, but she would gladly help you out, unless you're a hopeless romantic.
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>>465062Umi was born to slay.
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>>498329Sea was born to north bird?