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No. 423860

People talk about white privilege and class privilege and all that stuff but no one ever mentions attractive privilege.
The disparity in the way attractive people are treated and viewed in society and the advantages they get in life are the main roots of all problems in society. More so than race, class, religion, or net worth, attractiveness is the biggest source of tension between members of a society. People won't admit it however, because unlike in cases of class or race, where the separate members of the society might feel contempt for the higher ones, attractive people are loved universally, even by unattractive people. EVen attractive people trick themselves into believe that they are attractive.
Thus we will never even truly begin the steps towards a remotely perfect society until people wake up and see what the true problem is.


Attractive people have it hard too

Imagine a world where almost everyone looks worse than you, it sucks


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Sasaki likes ugly boys though!


what about iq privilege
iq is the best predictor available for how well an individual will do in life. higher iq individuals have more job opportunities, will make more money, and will generally live longer, happier and healthier lives than their lower iq counterparts.


Shut up you short ugly dumbass.


im being discriminated against right now


Two people of the same IQ, one attractive, one not as attractive. The attractive one will win out over the one that's not as attractive everytime.
Even in technical jobs more attractive people are prefered even if they are less qualified than an unattractive person.
Attractiveness can override IQ in society, so long as the disparity isnt huge. IQ cannot override attractivenes however. People will choose the person who is slightly stupider but more attractive, over the person who is slighlty less attractive but smarter.


I'm smart but lazy


a girl called me cute today maybe i've been fooling myself all this time


find somewhere else to post, teencel


ya people who are superior from a social aspect are treated superiorly who would have thought lmaaoo


it's time to face the truth


indeed it is. still nobody cares I am an incomparable homo.


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Unironically hate my mother for fucking the ugliest man she could find to father me


Fuck off whatman


With this mentality you'll be like pol pot. Communism is so armpit that teenbros on its believe in the so called privileged that are not earned by merit of generations and parents before the enheritors. Errors of Russia.


Jesus fucking christ man. Do you even know how to speak properly?

Fucking schizophrenic mumbling.


This thread is persecuting me.


Attractanorms will be devoured
The ugly shall inherit the Earth


delete this shit


if theres anything worse than a shitsel its a bougie shitsel


This is why if you see good looking people you should throw acid at them. Revoke their privilege.


you retards don't realize if you've got a connection with somebody appearance is superficial and means nothing? you being ugly doesn't mean your mother is not your mother anymore. you want social advantages like being attractive because you're greedy and predatory. since you're greedy and predatory then there's no reason for sympathy. all it takes is blinding yourself and suddenly the world doesn't have attractive or ugly people. if it all depends on your face then what the fuck does it even matter? you're constantly aging and merely an accident away from being disfigured. even if you aren't you're going to rot in the ground not even having a skeleton later. is your corpse the most important thing?

being ugly and stupid on the inside is the most common trait in the world. i hate you retards for not understanding the impermanence of reality

seriously, fuck you. *flips you off*



I will never forgive you for ruining some dumb board on a dumb website


it's not fair that our lives are decided before we're even born






Kill yourself.


Ugly children are treated worse than pretty children by the parents.
Children are less likely to trust ugly people.
Ugly people are treated worse at workplaces.
Infants can differentiate between ugly and beautiful people.
Children are more likely to cry when picked up by an ugly person compared to a pretty person.


Why don't people talk about Chad privilege?


I think what i've learned through all my pondering of philosophy and ethics is that it's too hypothetical and far back. much better to pick a practical applicable outlook and move from there.


I want to be attractive so bad


Bro if you want people to stop being racist just stop thinking about race???


heh lmao based mfw


is it related to the site being hacked or breaking down? gladispammer might be doing some weird shit to the site to make his spamming easier.


we're all gonna make it brah


blackpill thread

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