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Sasaki likes ugly boys though!
>>423881Two people of the same IQ, one attractive, one not as attractive. The attractive one will win out over the one that's not as attractive everytime.
Even in technical jobs more attractive people are prefered even if they are less qualified than an unattractive person.
Attractiveness can override IQ in society, so long as the disparity isnt huge. IQ cannot override attractivenes however. People will choose the person who is slightly stupider but more attractive, over the person who is slighlty less attractive but smarter.
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Unironically hate my mother for fucking the ugliest man she could find to father me
>>423952Jesus fucking christ man. Do you even know how to speak properly?
Fucking schizophrenic mumbling.
>>437531Ugly children are treated worse than pretty children by the parents.
Children are less likely to trust ugly people.
Ugly people are treated worse at workplaces.
Infants can differentiate between ugly and beautiful people.
Children are more likely to cry when picked up by an ugly person compared to a pretty person.