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They had every opportunity. We extended the olive branch of peace to them time and time again only for it to be snapped like a common twig.
They made their bed, now it's time for them to die in it.
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This is playing in my head.
>>428957Who are youbtalk8ng about
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>>428967Just goes to show that tolerance for the sake of tolerance is a self-destructive and meaningless ideology. Incidentally the same could be said of all ideologies that fall under the "progressive" umbrella, and to a lesser extent all ideologies that serve mainly to impose the ideologist's morality on the world.
>>429014What part of my post made me seem angry or hateful? The fact that I don't follow your ideals? I personally believe that idealism is the leading producer of hatred and warped desire in the world, so my opposition towards it is anything but hateful. That said I don't believe that hatred or anger are necessarily bad things, it's unhealthy to reject those feelings or to try to live without them, every man must hold anger and hatred in his heart in order to understand his adversaries and to guard himself against that which must not be accepted.
>>429015The argument that you must be "tolerant" whilst also "intolerant of intolerance" is blatant hypocrisy and this article proves nothing aside that it seems to be a popular pass-time for friendish people to make shitty nonsensical arguments and see how far they can go before people are actually willing to call them out.
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>>429020>>429021haha yeah it's just a coincidence right JA NE YO
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