File: 1546577741135.png (211.32 KB, 1102x826, birthdays1.PNG)

File: 1546631583322.jpg (90.48 KB, 603x800, panarice.jpg)

Wonder what riceballs means in that context….
File: 1546643322044.jpg (576.97 KB, 1000x1054, __koizumi_hanayo_and_yazaw….jpg)

what board you find that image?
File: 1572832456401.jpg (23.52 KB, 600x338, wpid-HGF5bVo-700x394-600x3….jpg)

>>469128I have to use my computer's calendar and enlarge in it waifu.2x because I can't find a large enough calendar that stays the same year round.
But I can do Novembers.