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Think about what you've done.
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It's finally over…
bye bye /ota/
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>>442952You'll come back….right?
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Spoof the MAC address on your WAN NIC through your router's administration webpage then restart your modem.
When you reconnect to your ISP, their DHCP server will see a new MAC address is connecting and issue a new IP address.
>>442957Most likely because you're using a router/modem combo from your ISP and they remove that option.
Almost all third-party routers have this option.
>>442958Won't work on almost any modern ISP. Do you really think he hasn't tried that?
>>442959Yeah, I have a router/ modemcombo.
However, even back when I had my own router and modem, that wouldn't work on an old isp I had. I guess they assigned IP addresses based on the modem, and you can't change the modem MAC. So you could change the router MAC, change the router, plug directly into the modem, none of it would change the IP. And that wag in a rural area where I could leave the modem unplugged for a whole week and still get the same ip address back. Ended up having to leave it unplugged for a month while I was on vacation, and that was how it got a new ip.
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Banned again…
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soon I'll be able to make a lot of good quality threads
>>455086I said cunny and got a 3 day ban
then I tried to use the VPN and I guess that tripped their VPN sensor thing and it gave me a 90 day
Though sometimes I think they use that as an excuse to super ban you if they don't like you after a while
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its almost over
>>462815Cunny is word filtered on at least /v/
Jan jans couldn't stand the cunny posting
"cumbrain" got filtered in 1 day after a discord raid trying to force that meme
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>>494987Nonessential 4chan staff sent home due to outrbreak.
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>>494988*shiburin glomps*