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Doctor, my butt hurts…
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>>455716Oh, let me see…
Aha. You shouldn't but these big objects in your butt, little girl, it might be painful~
>>455717Oh, I see. It's normal for boys of your age to feel this way, you know. Let me treat you. You don't need to supress that feel, just let my hands do the job.
See, good again. But from now on you'll have this almost every day, I'll visit you more often~
>>455720Oh, seeing any gyaru here? Oh, wait, that's me, haha. Don't you ever think I'm dumb just because I'm blonde. Come here, let me see what I can do~
It will probably take a while to produce enough salive, but we're not in a hurry, are we?
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>>455721Shiki is a fully trained 15 years old developed nurse.
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Is she really a nurse I can trust? She looks like she has something else on her mind.
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>>455777It's my grin? In any case you look ill, let me see you.
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>>464652So, guess it's time for her to be a good nurse and fix it?
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>>464653Can she really be trusted behind the needle?
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>>464654You're going to have to find out.
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>>473799Thw Holy Trinity, I mean.
Sorry, I was playing GTA III and just finished the mission where you whack the Triad base.
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Murasaki the baby smasher.