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Her tits are still huge. Wouldn't have noticed if media didn't monger for views about it.
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sigh just let girls be hot please
>>457476Are you homo?
92 cm of tits is quite normal for games/anime.
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Rewatched Advent Children today.
Not sure if her boobs were smaller, they were indeed huge, guess she's quite proud of them, but they look the same as
>>457448 for me
It looked a lot like Matrix, from the slow motion to the car chases with electronic music.
Pretty good flick overall, even if the story is a bit convoluted.
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Guess that's the most beautiful you're allowed to be when you're not 2D but is at least 3DCG.
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Can't wait to see remake of the real best girl.
It seems like some otafriends are playing, didn't expect my thread to trigger it.
Also are you replaying it too?
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>>467625I was before Lulu came out.
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>>468064that image is fake.
the fact that cloud didn't make her pregnant before the advent children and the fact that she fugged Johnny or whatever that dudes name was in ff7, while already seemingly being with cloud, just proves that cloud is either a cuck wimp or a fag.
>>468070It is explained though, he was scared.
Also we don't know if they are fertile.
That's a shame though, it is a very important couple to me. Guess the producers just didn't want to upset Aerith/Yuffie/Barret fans too, even if Tifa is the most popular.
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>>468071Cloud belongs to Aeris. At least until…you know..
>>468074Actually, I think it goes both ways, and the player kinda choses it.
The biggest evidence is indeed the date at Golden Saucer. Let's see
In Aeris case, she starts with more points than Tifa (50 against 30) and the game is kinda made for her to "win" the date, so most of casual players think it's the only possibility.
On the other hand, there's what you mentioned, that kinda sealed forever any chance for her.
It's harder to get a date with Tifa, but not impossible at all (I actually got on my first time playing when I was a kid), but going on a date with her also may also trigger a cinematic in the end of disk 2 that heavily implyies that her and Cloud had sex (I'm not 100% convinved, but I see the point).
Also I Advent Children ships them very hard too.
That's a never ending debate, basically the same we have with EVA, but I think Tifa is the right answer because she's available unlike Aeris, even if things could be different if the story didn't… well you know.
>>468074>>468079I strongly disagree, I think Copo e belongs to Tifa.
He and Aerith had their moments mostly because he reminds her of Zack and he was confused, kinda thinking he was Zack. You mentioned Eva, like Rei with Shinji.
What you got right is the fact that Aerith is no longer an option, Tifa is.
As for dating mechanics, well, it's like saying the easy route is the true route. Not always true.
>>468085>when there are several better FF games to be playedLike?
>This game has not aged well and you need to deal with that.I honestly think at this point FFVII is more underrated than overrated and I'm sick of people say hurr it didn't age well. I'm 27 and I played it for the first time only two years ago and I think it is best JRPG I had ever played, even better than Chrono Trigger. Honestly, even when it comes to Western RPG the only ones I would put in the same level are Planescape Torment and SW:KOTOR.
FFVII is pretty much The Beatles of Video games: everyone saying it is overrated and trying to be contrarian and hipster had the opposite effect, making it underrated for the first time.
Now, I won't deny that a huge part of all the discussion is people craving for excuses for funpost and ranting about breasts, but that doesn't mean it's not a great game.
>>468182I'm not saying it's a bad game you illiterate, but very few people would regard it as the best for non hipster reason, you can check in almost every list on the Internet.
VI-X games are widely regarded as the best, that's not my opinion but the general consensus, you're trying too hard to be different.
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Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
No.486685 is the eng version so different
it doesn't even sound like the same singer
No.486689 forgive my rudenessC_4
Never forget that Cabriolet21 came online.
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>>488978children tend to have large heads relative to the rest of their body
in this, the heads scale down to the rest of their body in the smaller versions
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They are using 15's engine and gameplay, which is fine if that's the way FF's are going to be.
My memory is a bit rusty on 15 but I remember it not seeming that lengthy. Making a game as long as 7 with those graphics and fully(?) voiced would result in a massive 100gb game. It either has to go on 2 discs or have parts of the story cut, or worse, made into 'backstory' dlc.
>>489094They will split the story. This new game will be only the midgard arc.
But yeah, it will be huge
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Who cares about breasts? Give me feet.
>>489280>Spoilers for a remake of a 23 year old game?They literally leaked the whole script of the game.
Being old doesn't mean a lot though.
Lots of people didn't play it back then because they didn't have a PlayStation or weren't even born and even those who played it might not remember more than Aerith's fate. Also they are changing lots of things.
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>>489289So all those losers from Deviantart who's kanan "knowledge" comes from advent children actually matter now? If any of the cool characters like Cid or Bugenhagen lose screentime over this consider me more steamed than a pot o' jannies.
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I am an incomparable homooooooooooooo
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>and you call this a sausage?
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>>492682They eat sausage for Thanksgiving in Midgar?
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>>493495Rarely see Japanese IP used for ads here. I guess its nice to see something that isn't freaking Star Wars.
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Actual spoilers ahead
The Sephiroth that shows up is a time traveler trying to fuck things up. The spirits floating around are trying to prevent his shenanigans and keep the timeline intact. After the Midgar escape, the group fights the whispers and sees visions of their future. The heroes beat them, which frees them from "destiny" and heavily implies that the follow up remakes won't follow the events of the original game. Also the time travel shit means Zack is still alive.
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>>497883I wonder if they changed things up because the world they envisioned in 1997 more or less came true.
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I am an incomparable homo, look at what they did to The Last of Us 2.
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I really need Aerith's feet on my face.
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>>502047Hopefully with the heel.
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Uh, GAINZbros…