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No. 458203
What are you guys personality type?
ESTJ here. No.458207
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Umi and Daiya are NOT the same.
>>458208Probably some male characters. Maybe the guy from NHK idk
Not sure what Lain would be. Honestly I don't really know what any of the letters actually mean except I/E. E=normiE I=Imageboard addict
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>>458208There are also some in Cinderella Girls if you dig around.
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>>458211Daiya is more comfortable and open to doing things she's not used to/unsure of. Umi is full of doubt and dwells on things. No.458218
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>>458216Ruby is an I trying to be an E.
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>>458220Did you fall for the omurice trick? Or are you a girl who
uses the omurice trick?
>>458252INTJ is the high functioning autism type
Idols need to be verbal
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i got enfp but i always fet something different and im not sure if i kinda cheated or not
>>458293Isn't it strange that despite all our vast knowledge of the universe and scientific understanding the observation of humans is still clouded in mystery? Even psychology is not seen as a
real science. I highly doubt that the complex human problem has not been solved in the past, this assumptions lends me to credit astrology in that it operates on a basic assumption that predated freuds premise that are childhoods are a large determinate in who we are. So to clarify astrology in other terms, when you are born depending on the time of year you will bear witness events that have extreme impact on your growth. My idea would then be to find where astrology emerged and compare event culture with the monthly descriptions of character. To give an example hypothesis : An infant born in a summer months who witnesses festivities, kindness, and an abundance of plenty in their first month will integrate these events into their core personality. I'm not suggesting this claim is true i'm laying down a way to approach the astrology hypothesis from my current understanding.
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Another Umichan?
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>>458305It is Otamin, she's the only one with a banner.
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>>458396looking 4 the rare and elusive pinke katydid
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>>458208I bet Diana is INTP.
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intj do i win a prize ill take the oversized pokemon plushie ty
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rina is probably intj