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Trannies are nothing more than lncels that were too mentally weak and ended up being driven to literal insanity.
I can't even blame them for it, they've grown up in a world that worships women while simultaneously demonizing males. Then they have to sit around watching the kind of masculine male that women seem to hate the most get to have sex with all the girls while they get nothing. They see that being born male was a mistake and grow their hair out and pop estrogen pills and eventually start fucking one another.
Unfortunately no matter how hard they try they do not become girls they simply become ugly men with gyno. They should be gently put out of their misery, the poor things.
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really good 4th chapter
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ahhhhhhh finallyyyy, what a nice scene
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wow, I didn't expect everyone to be queer
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yeah, as long as you don't post about it on an insel forum like this one
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the straightnorms ruined my life
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*/ota/ howl of despising straight people*
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It would be really nice to see this animated, maybe someday.
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heartwrenching gay envy
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hate this feel
>>472213no just closeted and jelly of other gay
>>472218not real oatman
>>472238it’s just how my phone names images
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I have waited ten million years for this day…
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Amazing chapter. Best manga of all time.
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>>472216It looks like you noticed before I did, but I missed this thread because of a *certain* spammer
I really loved the full spread here, it was really nice
>>485165 No.485497
>>485492yeah the funny thing about transgender stuff is it reinforces gender stereotypes. Like "I want to dress this way, look this way, talk this way, act this way… Therefore I
MUST be a (fe)male."
>>485492>>485506the answer i would say is something like "someone telling you their preferred
pronouns or what gender they identify with is enough for you to describe them as 'male'"
>>485509yeah this
>>485502>huffpostdidn't click
>>485507nothing, it's just funny because it's a hypocritical view point
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>>485528You should. You knows all about boys!
>>485551Woman + like women = gay
Man + like men = gay
Man + ??????? = woman
>>485488I followed kata on twitter so I caught it like an hour after it went up on comic medu’s site.
>>485558More like woman = woman and that’s that.
>>4855591 = 1
3 = 3
1 + x = 3
x = 2
Woman = woman
Man = man
Man + x = woman
Solve for x
>>485719Because they still mean something.
>>485720Do you walk around checking everyone’s genitals before you agree to call them him or her?
>>485726IDK who you're quoting and why you put it in the tranny thread, but:
values, actions, personality, goals, skills, lots of other things. I hope "products" wasn't really the only thing you could think of.
Race literally didn't exist until coloured televisions
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Oh FUCK. What a cliffhanger. Yet another based chapter.
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>kotone.exe has stopped respondingMogu's expression at the end made my stomach drop, I guess we've had too many nice chapters in a row…
>>489087>>489088You always manage to beat me to reading it, guess I'm too much of a slowpoke
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>>472211Also it looks like the background characters from this panel were reintroduced! nice attention to detail!
>>490105>Sounds like you’re the one obsessed with stereotypes of trans people.False dichotomy. Him being obsessed with trannies doesn't mean trannies aren't obsessed with gender stereotypes.
>None of the tranners I know act or dress like that.Anecdote. You don't know a sample of the tranny population large enough to be representative.
>>490112>selTranny. They love this insult because it appeals to gender stereotypes (men shouldn't be celibate).
>>490124> Him being obsessed with trannies doesn't mean trannies aren't obsessed with gender stereotypes.It also doesn’t mean they are, so what’s your point?
>You don't know a sample of the tranny population large enough to be representative.It doesn’t have to be representative, he said “all trannies” so if there’s even one trans person that doesn’t fit his narrow view then he’s btfo.
>They love this insult because it appeals to gender stereotypesNice anecdote.
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>>490100you seem like a manga expert, do you have any suggestions?
I just started reading:
Crescent Moon and Doughnuts
Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet
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>>490144Mentally ill, keyword ``seriously". Gender dysphoric, keywords ``but not always'' a tranny
>>490153So your argument is that being trans necessitates insanity because they have serious mental illness in the form of gender dysphoria serious enough to warrant transition? So what happens when they transition and their dysphoria is treated? Would trans people be the opposite of insane then?
Also have you abandoned defending the claim that trans people all act and dress in a stereotypical manner?
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>>490155Did you even read the picture you posted? transphobes are pretty wierd and obsessed
>without seeking medical treatment to alter body characteristics No.490159
>>490154``Transition" doesn't change your ``assigned gender". ``Gender dysphoria", being the ``incongruence between one's experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender", cannot bet treated.
>trans people all act and dress in a stereotypical mannerThis is a strawman
My argument was that you're being pedantic and I asked you to stop. You decided to be even more pedantic and so now I am too. Trust a tranny to not be able to let go of words
>>490156Maybe if trannies weren't ``weird and obssessed'', we wouldn't be in a thread discussing transphobia in the first place
>SomeDon't even know what you're trying to say, but oops you forgot a word
>>490159Assigned by whom? It’s completely possible to change your legally assigned gender.
>This is a strawmanCool, so you stand by nothing you initially said. That’s all I needed to hear.
>Trust a trannyI feel like I’ve told you this in another thread, but I’m a cis male, not the hyperfeminine trans porn star you fantasize about me being.
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>>490165Statements about all trannies so far
1. Obsessed with gender stereotypes
2. Insane
Glad you're done contesting these. Have a nice, ``cis'' life
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Posting transphobic crap? That's a paddlin'
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>>466004I don't like fake girls.
>>490351So how can looking at one split group tell us about the future or present of another split group. In short its the breakdown of the collective into the individual.
So we begin the story with the thesis and the antithesis, good vs evil etc. This is the initial premise with the greatest and easiest way to split people into the 2 starting groups. From there we delve into either group and state the next fragmentation question for our thesis and antithesis separating the groups. And this of course continues all the way down so we're dealing with persons not groups. 1/3
>>490372To say then what I remember the atheism thing went liek this
>Atheism V religion >Atheism V accompanying ideologies Biggest dividing point opening all other societal issues for debate.
>Atheism v feminism Atheism is no longer viewed as a non-theistic belief but the new old society. And interesting oddity as atheism has nothing to do with feminism but the shades of grey have taken us from white to black.
The question is how do we use this information, So now what do I remember about lbgt
>>490373>LBGT + society v religion + law Initial push with the largest support.
>LBGT v society Rise of gay public culture and mainstream support from businesses
>LBGT vs segregation of genders Includes toilets, kids clubs, sports teams etc.
It's important to state at each question fragmentation happens.
So why trans vs women?
Because other questions where asked that have lead to this
>segregation of genders v feminism I'm not gonna try to predict the next question because it's to much research. 3/3
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It’s out
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Mogumo NOOOO how could you
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Switch hacking tran*y absolutely blown the **** out.
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Me when I see a terf…
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Seriously though, I am curious to know more about mogumo’s home situation. Looks like it’s finally getting there after sakura’s been hinting at it for the past couple chapters.
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Reminder: dude is a man.
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>>501760EOPs? On /ota/? I would hope not.
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FINALLY it’s been ages since the last chapter. Hope this one is extra good for pride month
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Well that’s about what I expected. Mogumo’s trad dad is the source of all the tension in the family.
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The return of the queen…