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Weird, it's also my nieces' birthdays.
I wonder what this means…
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Mari recognizes Woobies cuteness but also toughness like a true American.
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>>469241Right here >>468266
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Even muses love Ruby.
“O-Onee-chan, I’m in love with you.”
Ruby wasn’t actually speaking to her sister. She was too afraid about doing that right now, about what kind of harsh face her sister would give in response to such dirty, nasty feelings. That’s why it was really good that, when Nozomi-sensei overheard her talking about them, she offered herself as a roleplay opportunity, to make sure she was ready when the moment was right.
“Oh, I love you too, Ruby. You’re the best sister I could ever have.”
Even if Dia wouldn’t have the same sweet tone that Nozomi-sensei had, it still sounded nice to imagine those words coming from her.
“I-I’m not talking like that, Onee-chan. I love you. I want to go out with you. I want you to be my g-g-g…” You got this! Ganbaruby! “I want to be your girlfriend, onee-chan.”
The silence that came after that statement made Ruby’s heart almost give out and force her to her knees. Then, she felt two hands on her shoulders and looked up just as Nozomi-sensei placed a kiss on her lips. The smile that she had displayed some kind of feeling she couldn’t name, but it gave her body goosebumps.
“I’ve been waiting to hear you say that, Ruby, for the longest time. Your onee-chan loves you very much. In fact, she can’t wait to show you just how much she loves you.” Nozomi-sensei quickly picked up Ruby, who let out a “Pigli~”, before softly placing her on the desk.
“Wh-What are you going to do, onee-chan?”
“I’m going to make you feel very good, little Ruby, better than you’ve probably ever felt.” Nozomi-sensei softly flipped up her skirt and took off her panties (she blushed when she remembered that the pair she was wearing had teddy bears on them). Then, she placed her face right in front of her private space and slowly flicked out her tongue. Ruby giggled at first as Nozomi-sensei tickled her down there, like when she got her face licked by Shiitake. But then the tickling started to feel very weird, making her moan. It didn’t hurt, but that goosebump feeling from her spread deeper into her body, close to her stomach and legs. She twitched and squirmed, her toes curling up as Nozomi’s tongue pressed further into her body.
Wh-What is this sensation? It’s so weird, but so good… She couldn’t compare it to anything else except whenever she first set foot into a hot bath. It was soothing all over, but even more charged, like there was an electricity in the air. That feeling only intensified as Nozomi started to play with that bump that she rubbed over sometimes. Ruby cried out a little as her tiny body tried to understand what was happening to her.
I-I don’t know if I can take it much longer… It feels like my soul is going to leave my body… As all things do, Ruby’s pleasure came to an end, her breath caught in her throat as her legs closed together against Nozomi’s head, who still licked away at Ruby, taking in all the fluids she could. For what seemed like forever, Ruby’s body shuddered and twitched before coming to a standstill, her mind half-tired, her breath panting. She felt Nozomi take her into her arms and kissed her on the head.
“I’ve taught you quite a bit, little Ruby, but the most important thing to know is this: No matter what happens, I’ll always love you.”
Something felt off about what she said, but Ruby didn’t pay it any mind, instead cuddling close to the warm body next to hers.
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>>496759>>496761>>496764Wow Dia wasn't even Woob's first…