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No. 471508


How long until Netflix produces LLLAM (Love Live! Live Action Movie)?


Hopefully never.


Who will Taylor Swift play?


File: 1570729405532.jpg (93.64 KB, 1155x649, EBtm9ehXkAMe1Ll.jpg)

Netflix original series Love Live! School Diva Project! centers on the lives of 9 high school girls from Los Angelas, on a mission to get a record deal, and save the planet in the process!
As the Progress for Climate Awareness Expo threatens to cancel because of low attendance, 9 old friends decide its time for action. When they're not shopping, or talking about boys, the super diva group Muse takes center stage and puts on a show that captures the hearts of millions.

Nancy Ardmore - sophomore who's klutzy but has a big heart. Founded Muse last year with her friends.

Precious Brown - Nancy's oldest friend from city. Dances with sass and soul, and raps for the group's songs.

Sakura Sonoda - Cool and shy Japanese exchange student who becomes a whole new girl on the stage.

Lin McGregor - Sporty Chinese American who choreographs Muse's dance routines.

Samantha Anderson - Joined Muse to lose weight, and has since become the most popular girl in class.

May Wentworth - The richest girl in school, and the most gifted pianist. Loves shopping and the latest fashion.

Hassan Nasheed - Lebanese refugee, turned diva! A dancing protege that the boys can't stop talking about.

Alley Sunburst - A trans girl that has gone great lengths to come out of her shell, and joined Muse to embrace who she really is.

Maria Gonzales - Deeply Catholic migrant girl who adds as a touch of folklore from her former village.



Fuck off


You laugh at Henri but pretty much anything can be made into a TV or movie now.


ichaicha mari!

how did I miss this post? this would be a pretty cool reboot take!


I can see how a few of them are Muses, but many seem like original characters like the Spic lady, while others, like Rin, might fit on both the trans and the Chink.


I didn't know Henri was this trans friendly.



>Alley Sunburst - A trans girl that has gone great lengths to come out of her shell, and joined Muse to embrace who she really is.
Prove that Henri is trans inclusive, he even added a trans girl to his LL adaptation.


was there ever any doubt?


I'm glad he was inclusive enough to use my demographic in his satirical attack on Westernization. He obviously thinks highly of me, and he's cute haha.


this is how I know you're a troll, a true otachi would have said netflix adaptation


Oh wow, Netflix adapted Cardcaptor Sakura? I had no idea since I'm a teen haha.


how big is mawry's cock


9'' erect

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