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>>479197NO BULLY
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>>479197I am a highly respected engineer making almost twice the average salary in my area because norms beg to make use of a fraction of my considerable intellect.
What about you, how much does jerking off to cartoon idols pay? Is it enough to afford your estrogen pills?
>>479251If you're an engineer with no gf somehow you should be able to buy me Code Vein no problem. What do you even do with the money?
Inb4 TF2 engineer
>>479254Wagie, Wagie, get in cagie.
All day long you sweat and ragie.
NEET is comfy.
NEET is cool.
NEET is free from work and school.
Wagie trapped and Wagie dies.
NEET eats Tendies, sauce and fries.
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>>479246Simply put, I was born rich. Took this pic of one of my vacation houses, where I am right now, you can see one of the two pools and the barbecue area, gonna take another one with the sauna and tennis court if you want to.
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>>479273The worst that happens is you're homeless and that's not even that bad.
Most people will at least be left a car and some money if their parents die.
Life is a lot less stressful when you're prepared to be homeless, especially the kind where you live in a van.
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You're fired.
Nothing personal.
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>mfw low pay but at least I don't work for a girl
I'm too rough to handle womeme tomfoolery every day
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>>500786I'd consider it pretty long for a LL skirt.
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>>500790you stole chikas lobster plushy…