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No. 482115
A Fox that had been caught in a trap, succeeded at last, after much painful tugging, in getting away. But he had to leave his beautiful bushy tail behind him.
For a long time he kept away from the other Foxes, for he knew well enough that they would all make fun of him and crack jokes and laugh behind his back. But it was hard for him to live alone, and at last he thought of a plan that would perhaps help him out of his trouble.
He called a meeting of all the Foxes, saying that he had something of great importance to tell the tribe.
When they were all gathered together, the Fox Without a Tail got up and made a long speech about those Foxes who had come to harm because of their tails.
This one had been caught by hounds when his tail had become entangled in the hedge. That one had not been able to run fast enough because of the weight of his brush. Besides, it was well known, he said, that men hunt Foxes simply for their tails, which they cut off as prizes of the hunt. With such proof of the danger and uselessness of having a tail, said Master Fox, he would advise every Fox to cut it off, if he valued life and safety.
When he had finished talking, an old Fox arose, and said, smiling:
“Master Fox, kindly turn around for a moment, and you shall have your answer.”
When the poor Fox Without a Tail turned around, there arose such a storm of jeers and hooting, that he saw how useless it was to try any longer to persuade the Foxes to part with their tails.
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poor fox :(
>>482118It's about circumcision not actual fox tails you illiterate cumbrain k
ike lover
>>487613Every modern medical professional will claim it stops yeast infections to save lives even though the orginao intended reason was founded on stopping boys from masturbatin.
Masterbation shows effects of brain damage on young baby new born boys.
>>487685Circumcision shows brain damage***
On a side note masturbatin to porn actually does cause brain damage.
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What is all this pseudoscience memeing?
>>488149Image result for fox without a tail fable
Aesop's Fables
It would seem the possible first person to have posted this was in an aramaic speaking country or in India. I cannot tell the difference between the 2 without comparing images at this point.
It is an old folktale from Europe possibly England). The original image comes from a poster who upload a page of a translated book of folktales from possibly/most likely English into either the Aramaic or sandscript. Probably translated between the 1920's - 1940's.
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Do you think kitsune yokai are real?
>>498108Theres still foxes in Japan.
Japan even has bears which have been declared both protected and a nuisance toward the north.
Japanese wolves were the smallest in written history to exist just to be wiped out by the Meiji government in hind site by mistake (the meiji government liked to do that often).
Japanese foxes most likely have some orgin to the mainland China legends.
However if you down the ranit hole or you're going to ask someone who studies nephilim in unison with world legends, myths, and Japanese yokai…
Theres most likely a series of "nephilim" that are of the dcdndents of foxes that was predominately found in East Asia.