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No. 483595

So, /ota/ I heard you're struggling with math… I'm actually very good, we can study together!


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Math is for gaylords.


Like You?


I can't tell if this is You or a newraibu


You has blue eyes


Mine are brown.


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She's the all new You, KasuKasu! A cute first year!


Math is the purest form of truth.


wow she has a different cute barrette here! does she have a huge collection of barrettes she wears for different days or themes or activities or feelings or everything???


I haven't done math in years.


Is she a masochist? Why's she so happy after spraining her ankle?


she's in incredible pain but its an idols duty to always smile!


can't wait for the pdp anime so we learn all the ships


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The ship scientists at Dengeki G's have been already hard at work.


No no. Way too dorky to be an idol. We've really got to put a stop to this.


she's not even a dork.


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You is not only a dork but she's also literal trash.


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She's hard dork.
Equal to or suprassing Nico.


You're just jealous because she dates Chika and you don't


What's the problem of being a dork?


poor kasukasu, everyone thinks shes you


kasukasu the baka


don't bully kasukasu


I tried teaching my niece some maths a few months back but she wasn't very interested and she knew i was only really doing it because her school reports for maths were kinda low. I hope she does her best at school.


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Don't need math to be a top idol!


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honoka can't even do her times tables


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Can you teach me abstract algebra? I want to understand what a Gröbner basis is.


I barely remember what happened during the time-travel arc of kaminomi? I dont even know who that character is.


i yearn for an anime study buddy even though I am a neet with no interest in going to college


what the heck is an anime study buddy? you share essays about the deep philosophical and cultural impact of the latest episode of love live idolmaster48 superstars'' -REPEAT-: oh no, riko-chan has lost her dress!! will she make it to the live?


liked math when I was a kid, it was the only subject where there was an answer and I could always get 100% correct. Later on it became more to due with percentages, statistics, and other fallacious numbers like pi. I ended up failing to get ahead because I disagreed with what was being taught, unfortunate really.


I remember I once had a stuck up math teacher who told me that it was literally impossible to create an angle that's 1/3 of another angle given only an unmarked ruler and a compass. I proved him wrong the next day only for him to tell me my method was "invalid" because it was already proven to be impossible. I argued with him and eventually he made me stand outside for the rest of the class.

That's probably the moment I gave up on modern "education" entirely. It's just a farm that raises farm animals to do as the farmer wants.


That's called angle trisection and it's been explored for hundreds of years:

I'm not saying your teacher wasn't an asshole, but you probably got aggressive about it. You should write your proof and send it to him rather than bitch and moan about the "education system" because of one grumpy ass teacher.

idk how you "disagree" with pi and stats, you sound autistic as fuck. Maybe you would've enjoyed it more with a straightedge and compass tbh since solving problems with those would exercise your abstract thinking while it's just fun to draw arcs and lines and discovering the relationship between them. I think you might've been failed by the education system because state schooling is just too rigid for this sort of thing.


pi is called an irrational number, and yet math is supposed to be pure rationality. it's a clear fallacy


Math is math, rationality has nothing to do with it. If you want to get autistic about what is and isn’t “fallacious” you could easily call the entire concept of rationality into question. People will adopt whatever serves their interests, same goes for math as with anything else.


a circle cant have a circumference unless a two point line has a width.


irrational doesn't mean illogical or anything like that. it's just a technical designation for any number that can't be expressed as the ratio of two integers (positive and negative whole numbers). √2 is arguably a more approachable example of an irrational number (the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle with side lengths equal to one), do you take issue with that too?


>two point line
A line by definition extends infinitely in two directions. A line segment has two points defined as the end points, and all points in between these two points (infinite in number) are part of the line segment. If you define two points only, they will never touch, no matter how "close" you make them. You cannot have a "two point line segment", all line segments will necessarily have infinite points.


what is their to be gained from being this pedantic. he obviously means the line segment defined by two points i.e. for a, b in R^n, { t * a + (1 - t) * b | t in R }


uh yeah…. obviously….. Please stick it in me….


gonna do a wedgie on this nerd


is she a dork or a nerd?


saw a dork with round glasses walking with her mother, she was really homely looking. A pleasant sight.

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