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No. 484261

>nothing existed, not even light
>suddenly everything explodes
>coincidentally almost a dozen huge balls of dust start orbiting each other
>they're all also coincidentally orbiting a huge ball of lava
>starts raining on the third ball for no reason
>rain mixes with lava
>too hot for it to handle so he decides to grow some cells
>cells get together to fight the lava and become an organism
>organism grows fins to swim faster from the hot
>gets bored from living underwater and sprouts legs and becomes frog
>gets annoyed no one is hearing him ribbitch so he jumps on tree and becomes a monkey
>swings around but eventually the bananas run out and he has to plant some
>comes down from tree, loses his fur and becomes human
>mfw this is what otamin actually believes


>dude everything just randomly started existing because uhhhh quantum stuff okay don't worry about it


lol no


otamin is a fucking embarrassment to this board just ignore him


>everything exists because god made it
>what do you mean you need proof rabbi said so so it must be true


stfu oatman


gtfo my site rabbi


a fucked up approach to abiogenisis and then even using it to attack the theory of evolution
anyways, evolution is always branching
the monkey's we're related to aren't the ones around today
they're fucking dead

saying we evolved from monkeys is like saying jeeps evolved from fords while ignoring the fact that fords in the 1940s were very different both from fords of the modern day as well as the jeeps of today
it's a really vague statement


I rather believe that a omnipotent bearded man sitting on clouds who has always existed one day simply decided to create anything


Actually there were no clouds, there was just darkness and water.


I think everyone knows that except americans


Imagine wasting your life thinking about religion


Who bites metal forks


how else do you hold utensils in your moufy


What scares me about the world is how complex each subject is and how how much research and thought there is. I worry that truth requires a lot of faith in each person


File: 1593290637477.png (1.67 MB, 1100x1861, 74765270_p7.png)

its not that complicated you have 9 idols trying to save their school and they go through lots of adventures on their way to akiba dome. anything else is unimportant and serves only as a distraction

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