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>>484312The basis for that story is that the guy was actually a good person who helped some random people, not some creep literally obsessing over their coworker for months on an imageboard.
One is cute, the other is terrifying.
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You have to adjust your routine so that you come into contact with her more and keep doing that until you become friends.
The nuclear option:
Rabu Retta-
If anime taught me anything, its that girls like a love letter with a heart stamp to fall from their locker (or in this case partially beneath their keyboard).
>>484336That's what makes it the ota version.
He is an ota user, just like any of us, who was given this opportunity in real life. We must offer him advice.
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>>484378Ehh maji?
The west has truly declared war on love huh…
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First, ya gotta get the LOOKS
THEN, ya get the MONEY
And FINALLY, you've gotta have that STATUS
If the sum of these reaches the (immensely inflated) standards of the foid then you're in. What you actually say and do is virtually inconsequential in comparison to what you look like. You can use some Chad pictures to make a tinder and chat up girls all day long while telling them you're a convicted child rapist and they won't give a flying shite so long as the face you're using is pretty.
Also, be at least 6'1".
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>>484302Just spill out everything you like about her to her face all at once.
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Do the kabedon and kokuhaku to her, obviously