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No. 484603

When you’re at a restaurant together make sure he knows you cannot eat omurice.
When seated, make sure you are seated next to your guy so that you can share a menu. Find the picture of omurice, gaze at it with consternation and exclaim sadly:

“I absolutely can’t eat omurice.”

There is almost 100% chance that your guy will respond with, “Why not? You don’t like omurice?”

Be silent for a few seconds for dramatic effect and continue: “I… well” (take a deep breath) “Every time an egg is cracked open those cute little chickees die…they’re killed! Those cute little baby chicks… I can’t bear to think about it! They’ll never get a chance to be born, to hop around and chirp those cute little chirps…” It is good to shiver at this point.

Your guy will gaze at you in amazement! What a kind, sensitive angelic person you are! Next he will be feeling the need to spend the time to really get to know you. He’s yours! Plans for a date are in the bag!


disgusting leftist bitch


Of course 99% of foids won't actually know how chickens work


but she clearly doesn't support abortion.


Imagine being in a relationship with a woman that support abortion, and would likely kill your hypothetical child without your permission.


what a dumb bitch


Sounds perfect. I don't want to bring a child into this shithole of a planet.



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Us boys got to come up with our own trick, like the yakisoba trick or something.


The yakisoba trick:
When you’re at a restaurant together make sure you order yakisoba.
When seated, make sure you are seated next to your girl so that you can share a menu. Find the picture of yakisoba, gaze at it with lust and whisper:

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Be silent for a few seconds for dramatic effect and continue: “I… well” (take a deep breath) “Every time I see yakisoba I am reminded of you…you're perfect hair! Those thick strands of hair… I can’t can't contain myself thinking about it! It's so much more beautiful than any woman's, to be born such so elegantly…” It is good to shiver at this point.

Your girl will gaze at you in amazement! What a kind, sensitive angelic person you are! Next you will be feeling her and her hair, complimenting it. He’s yours! Plans for a date are in the bag!


>He’s yours!
missed this one


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She's yours!
The girls will be powerless to this new technique.


Cute Nico twintails.


saving the 2nd omurice thread.


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Yō! Here's what you've been waiting for!


cant let this one die


thanks for all your hard work


Yea, though I walk through The Valley of The Shadow of Chad, I shall fear no norms, for thou lncels art with me, my cope and my rope, they comfort me.


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