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How do you think you know that person you were…
…a second ago is the same person you are now?
A continuous stream of memories.
Given only that, we all create illusions within ourselves…
…saying that we each have only one fixed persona.
Doctor, I'm scared…
…that my other self will do something that I don't know about…
It's all right. There is no way illusions can come to life.
Mima, what's wrong?
I'm sorry!
Oh, man! This rain sucks!
I think I'm going to catch a cold!
I'm sorry!
Wrap it up! Wrap it up!!
It's pouring really badly outside, but your heart is always, like, sunny!
Well, I think we're ready today!
Welcome to Rei…
…and Yukiko's…
…"ldol Chamland"!
Mr. Tadokoro?
I'm sure they're on the air now.
I thought you'd like to see them coz it's been a while.
We have a show this Sunday. It's at lbaragi Sim City at pm.
- How have you been? - People from all over, come see us!
-Just thought I'd drop by. - We'll be waiting for you!
Chamland will be back next week at the same time. Until then…
Two, three…
Bye bye!
Good show, guys.
Hey, it's Mima.