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No. 487223

why did oatmin do it?


*Otamin knocks on door*

Me: Enter.. *Spins around chair*

Oatmin: "Hurry up and get ready for dinner your aunt is on her way here."

Me: "Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be QUITE operational when your friends arrive!"


Is OP poor? Why is he downloading these movies, they are every week on TV and on Disney Plus


File: 1576777977124.png (269.46 KB, 650x506, db7de809651f03c2bc761c72b8….png)


That's a yikes if I've ever seen one.


not to mention on $2 dvds at the Walmart bargain bin I am an incomparable homo


how much were you paid for these posts?


Why would I waste $2 + gas and an hour instead of DLing it for free in 3 minutes without even getting up?


convenience is actually an important issue involving piracy as a problem relative to profitability
it's actually why russia and china went from kind of unimportant video game markets to really big ones with the advent of digital distribution
it's also the biggest supporting factor for drm, even if they let the license expire and remove it from the game or use a shitty one that will be cracked in a week

it's really prevalent with anime and manga as well
even as streaming software continues to improve, many anime fans still pirate because of spotty connection and quality issues that aren't very reasonably solved
also just because anime was only obtainable illegally for so long that everyone is already used to it

movies in theaters at least have the theater screen and sound experience defending them, but they still take a heavy hit from streaming services and an ever-growing expanse of accessible old media
that also feeds back into remakes and re-releases of lots of media in the modern age requires some other item to be at all usable, which is another important factor in the ease of piracy


>many anime fans still pirate because of spotty connection and quality issues that aren't very reasonably solved
I still pirate because CR and Funi fuckin suck


And not just the Otamin
But the Otafoids
And the Otateens too


I have gotten conspiratorial over digital crime. like it seem so weird that you can be punished for something you dont even need to put in any effort to achieve. almost like its intentionally easy on purpose


His name is teenmin.




Th eotamin is dead

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