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I only remember watching it on tv when I was home sick from school because of its time slot.
Found an old DBZ pamphlet from Blockbuster while cleaning the other day.
>>487532I remember you saying that a few years ago.
What did you watch when you were a kid?
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>>487533More or less everything everyone else watched. In '99 I had to to go to some dumb karate thing each Saturday morning and couldn't watch Pokemon like all the cool kids at school.
Later in life the only shows I actively kept on top of were Blood+, Bebop, and GITS. Bleach I sort just sat through.
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>>487536You should have continued to watch things like GitS, it's good to watch "deep" things sometimes.
Did you watch Eva on that time?
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>>487542I have both on dvd and can watch whenever I want.