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literally gay
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Ota sure moves fast on the first date.
Man during my second year of CS i realized that 80% of what you're taught is bullshit, you'll learn the important stuff in internships
To not fail miserably just do this:
1) Don't pay full attention to all classes, just the ones where you really consider the teacher is doing a good job explaining, otherwise just write down the subject the teacher is explaining and later on search it youtube
2) Skim through homeworks. skip them if they're too long, most of the time they're just a fraction of the grade better spent studying for exams, if they ask you why you didn't turn them in, tell them you're where too busy with other courses
3) When the teacher explains something, quick google something about the subject to make it seem like you know a lot
4) Give Food gifts to teachers, cookies, candies, etc. Some teachers won't accept gifts, but most of them will accept food, make it seem like you're just sharing with them because you like how they teach
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>>487832People want that? You have the anime too.