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Let peace and love into your heart.
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No, no! Let go of me!
It's the norms….It's all the norms' fault! The teens!
Let me fucking go!
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Looks like norms are back on the menu boys
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The norms…..I told you it's the norms. It's all their fault.
This world, they make it hell.
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>Looks like norms are back on the menu boys
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>I used to wonder why I was being punished by being born on this hellish planet surrounded by norms.
>Then I realized I wasn't being punished, I was to be the punishment.
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based otateens
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>>488330>they don't whine on the InternetActually…
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>>488330When an apex predator finds its prey it doesn't immediately pounce, it bides its time waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
Be patient norm, your time will come.
>>488340>bides its time waiting for the perfect moment to strike.Yeah, but they don't spend literally years otherwise they'll die of hunger. I also don't believe you're planning anything, so you're just wasting time.
You're just afraid and/or still have some hope that things will finally work for you. That's ok, in any case your efforts will be useless.
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>>488344Hope? Sustenance for the deluded. There is no hope on this rock.
The rites of the ritual have already begun, there is no reversing the machinations falling into place as we speak.
>>488351So, what's keeping you? Fear of failing just like in everything else?
Again if you don't have anything to lose you're wasting time not doing it and/or doing anything else.
>>48838599% of those sales are from the western world, Japan, Korea, and China.
So out of like 3,500 million people, 41 bought Switch.
That's like 1.25% of non-third worlders owning switches, and most of them are soy.
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Norms on the left, teens on the right.
ota in the middle.
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If the norms are wiped out and we're the only people left on the planet, doesn't that make us the norms?
>>488730Norm is majority
If we are majority then we are the norms