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or riding a qween dildo on cam for paypig chads
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You were her only thoughts as she ate chicken by herself Christmas night…
>>488667It's all Asians really.
But the Japanese women know they are the king of gooks and they expect to be treated as such.
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>>488703Me? Angry over chadlite norms on ota bragging about their multiple japanese gfs? Hahahaha! Don’t make me laugh. I am simply expressing my disgust. The cels will win in the end; the oat master is on our side.
>>488704I sometimes think you schizos are the happiest beings alive. Like
>otamin is on our side besides never doing anything for us This kind of wishful thinking is really pathetic
>>488703Why do you even come to ota to spew your normshite? Don't you have normbook or normmit or normmer to norm up with your normbros on? Why do you want to infiltrate our peaceful abode?
Actually don't answer, I'm sure it'll be something like "haha chill bro we aren't going anywhere I can do what I want because I lived an easy life with no boundaries and believe I'm special" *smashes coors light can against forehead and fistbumps nearby norm*
>>488710You'd have more fun watching the big game or going to the pub with some mates for a pint instead of bothering us because it makes you feel like a big man.
>>488711The norms can't get away with it.
>>488712>The norms can't get away with it.Guess what, they do. Otamin won't ban anyone for having a gf or not.
>b-but IRLNow that'a really big cope that only a really tiny brain can produce.
2020 will be The Great Dabbening
The Otamin will descend from the heavens to purge all norms along with their King Henry
>>488713You sure do talk a lot about intelligence for a NPC that's not even really alive. You just follow norm programming all day.
>>488714>The Otamin will descend from the heavens to purge all norms along with their King HenryWhy would he change the way he runs this joint after so many years? More importantly, what makes you think he would? What makes you think he's a fat loser like you?
Again, cope from a schizo brainlet. Classic.
>>488714Uh, pretty sure I'm far more aware of reality than some uneducated, unsmart mixed-race mutt that is incapable of being original or having new ideas and had never read anything.
>>488719Beep Beep
Beep Boop
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>mfw norm
>mfw my sole existence makes teens seethe
>mfw Otamin is on our side
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I will write the ultimate fun post… a post so vile and repulsive that all norms and foids immediately run away screaming from ota. It will be my finest work of art. You all shall bear witness.
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>>501159Still here, seeing you so upset makes me post more tbh.