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No. 488922

Why the FUCK do people think it's okay to just walk into a home with shoes on. Every single person I know does this and it's absolutely disgusting.
I recently got my own place and anytime I have someone over I have to literally guard the entryway until people remove their shoes. How hard is it to understand that I don't want the shit that's on your shoes rubbed into my carpet?




as if you would ever have guests I am an incomparable homo


File: 1577837841264.jpg (71.89 KB, 310x484, 20191231_181804.jpg)


>just got a place
>already has several people visiting
>thinks he can just come post about it on MY imageboard
Your days are numbered


where i'm from everyone always takes their shoes off, but I think thats because I live in a northern place where we get lots of snow and mud so people are more courteous than if you live in somewhere like florida or texas where you only have dust on your shoes


fuck off with your cel treehouse mentality


No one's talking about sex idiot tranny


my brother used to take his shoes off whenever he was inside but since he got his own place he just walks around other peoples houses with his shoes on now


Once I have my own place I'm gonna make some friends and invite them to play video games with me. It's gonna be great.


hope they walk in with their shoes on and trample dogshit into your carpet


You're mean.


The good thing about not wearing shoes inside is that you can walk bare feet without getting them dirty


And yet this simple fact is lost on so many people


i like that i can wear socks inside without them getting dirty


I usually walk into the front room with shoes on and then immediately remove them, if they're covered in snow or mud I just leave them outside to begin with.
I wear shoes in my grandpa's house specifically though because he always needs help with some dumb repair project and it'd be a waste to take em off.


I hate my parents, especially my father, because when I was a teen he made me work like a n1gger because in the "good old days" that's what men did. I finished high school with horrible grades and had to find a subhumanish blue collar job. Now I'm finally going back to college, but I'm old enough that I could be almost graduating from med school. Really I hate boomers, I barely had time to play video games or watch anime.

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