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Ok but don't wait until Dec 30th 2020 to do it. Looking forward to the next story arc.
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>>490037That's so cute. You have no idea just how bad things really are do you.
>>490072They don't want those men but they don't want those men going after anyone else either. It's kind of like how they're getting upset over the growing popularity of sePlease forgive my rudenessolls now, they simply want all non Chad men to be as miserable as possible.
Foids being foids I suppose.
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Not OP, but not going to create a blogshit thread to post my garbage.
There's this hot girl who works with me. We're the same age, 28. She's indeed on me at least since we were hired in 2015. I'm also on her , everyone knows that, people often tease us, but we're both too autistic to do anything. I guess we have the same curse ie. we born with a Chad/Stacy body and also with a severe autistic mind.
She just went to my room, asking me to take her new table to her room. I was with some ota perverted thread opened. I don't think she saw it, but my reaction trying to find a decent tab was hard.
Thank god everything went well after that, it's funny and sad to see how she's also struggling with her own autism while her cunt is dripping as much as my dick was hard.
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>>490623Find out her favorite LL.
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>>490628Believe it or not it's true.
On my freshman year in college the girls voted for the most handsome guy and I was the third most voted and when I was a sophomore the hottest girl of the school confessed that she had a crush on me.
>>490633I don't have a Myspace account, how do I discover that? Help me, Henrimin.
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>>490641Run up to her and act like you have something important to say (you do) and ask who her favorite LL is.
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>>490652I know 9 out of 10 females play LL but what if she plays another rhythm game?
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>>490656If you found the rare female im@s fan email her to me.