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Sometimes I think about being the last man on Earth.
Several girls a day (out of the millions who want to fuck me) who passed my screening could come into my giant castle mansion and have sex with me.
I would only have sex with white women and Japanese.
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>>490475If I was the last man on earth I would look those 10/10 hyperfoid bimbos in the eyes, rip my own testicles off and crush them in my hand.
Even though it would probably be unnecessary since there wouldn't be enough genetic diversity for the species to survive anyway it would still be a strong symbol.
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>>490479Let's test this hypothesis!
>The concept of the alpha male comes from the animal kingdom, and interest in the sorts of animal hierarchies led by alphas picked up greatly in the second half of the 20th century. Google Scholar can only provide a rough estimate, of course, but it returns 11 research mentions of “alpha male” between 1900 and 1950, and about 2,220 for the period between 1950 and 2000. Google Books shows a similar trend: The term barely existed in books until 1960 and since then has been on a mostly consistent upswing. Wow, fascinating stuff. I wonder what caused the shift…
>By 1960, the Food and Drug Administration had licensed the drug. 'The Pill', as it came to be known, was extraordinarily popular, and despite worries over possible side effects, by 1962, an estimated 1,187,000 women were using it.[17] No.490509
>>490507Yeah, it's called a typo.
I'm glad to see you proving my point though.