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>>490602spock supports lgbt rights
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>>490602The refined taste of leaders and the best people.
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I just wanted to do this thread, but then someone bumped my old one
>>496715me too
The movies are really really good. I wonder why it's not more popular and instead we get trash like Star Wars
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>>507274Star Trek (well TNG and DS9 and parts of enterprise/tos/voy) is a show about whether or not what the character is doing is right, but it's hard for big producers to get behind that, leading to half of trek movies sucking eggs.
Stuff like trek is why I hope futari no hakuoro anime will do well and producers might want to put out more questionable stories, granted after Raiko, the final bad guy has a much less interesting intent.
>>507357The main theme of the games is that mankind will always find a way to kill itself and deserve it, but also shabs with animal ears.
1 and 2-2 are great (2-2 is also one of the most fun srpg's out there, but it let's babies rewind when they mess up), 2-1 is just a mediocre vn that happens to build a really neat setting.
>>507353Were the novels ever finished? I remember watching the anime like, ten years ago and it kinda ended in a huge cliffhanger IIRC, I always wanted to read them.
Also SnS/SnM always felt more like Star Wars to me. It's an epic space opera, not a space western about space exploration like Trek.
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Please excuse my poor English ota gets more replies than mero
>>507918i hated deep space 9 at first but it grew on me after a while
its still star trek just in a darker part of space