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The norms know nothing of our plight…
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I can't take someone's suffering seriously if they:
>Aren't at least 23
>Are not lncel
>Are female and not living in some 3rd world dirt pan
You just don't really have ground to stand on as far as pain is concerned if you haven't been brutally exiled by your own species and treated as a biological failure. Sure I feel bad for the kids that get sick but thankfully they're too dumb to comprehend whats going on and their suffering will be quick rather than a few decades of psychological torture until gracelessly roping.
>>492188What? Are you even trying?
>HomelessEither lazy norms or schizophrenics that are so far gone they don't know what year they're in. 99% of the time people are homeless because they WANT to be homeless. Just lie around all day getting handouts then drop by the shelter or church or foodbank for a bite to eat then go buy some drugs with the money you were given. Fuck them.
>Addicts Self control is what separates us from animals. I have no sympathy for "people" that can't control their appetite for drugs or alcohol or masturbation.
>People in prisonDo I really need to even explain this one?
>>492190You misunderstand. While everyone is capable of suffering I simply do not consider it significant until they've walked the void.
Once someone has delved into the void and returned alive and sane I have no choice but to tip my hat to them.
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I just got my first smartphone recently and installed Tinder.
I have 29 likes but only 1 match despite swiping right on almost everyone.
I can't see the likes unless I buy Tinder Gold. Also the match never responded back, I asked if she was interested in FWB.
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>>492195Do not post disgusting kikery in my thread. You are only allowed to use tinder to pill yourself on women's impossible expectations.
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you really need a gf turt I am an incomparable homo