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No. 492889

keep minority spirit


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I'm so sexy and muscular and strong and white and my skin is nice and my dick is almost 7 inches

No homo but I turn myself on with my muscles and big dick, especially after a workout when I'm pumped and my skin is clammy from sweat and I smell a little. I could literally throw a girl across the room I'm so strong.

If I was a girl I'd at least want to fuck me, but not be in a long-term relationship with me because I have almost nothing financially to offer.

But they don't even want to fuck me!




Poor guy is probably missing the key few CM of bone


Untitled? How about
"Namida Neko"


didn't read
don't understand
didn't read


nyaeep nyinyority nyirit


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Guys, somehow a girl in my same town matched me on Tinder and messaged me first.

She just said "hey" but I really worked with it, told her I have my house to myself most of the time or I could come to her, and now she asked for my number and said she'll text me after a nap.

Am I going to lose my virginity? She is 26 and seems like she has low self-esteem.


enjoy being catfished



wtf??? normZ get OUT


If this is a catfish then lmfao because she's not exactly "good looking". To me she is, but I get off to ugly girls.

Looks about as "real" as you can possibly get.


Post pic.


Typical My Hero Academia fan. This is why shounen posters shouldn't be allowed on /ota/.


if you aren't shipping him with bakugo you're normtrash


Bros I fucked it all up. I started saying too many stupid cringe things and she stopped responding.

I don't think she was ever going to respond again anyway, so I suggested FWB and we could just have sex.

She just said "bye".

This girl was basically a 3/10 by normal standards.


Dont fucking reply to me shitshipper


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I am an incomparable homo you don't just leave celdom idiot, you're here forever.

That foid was just toying with you out of boredom, she had at least 30 better looking guys with more money frantically messaging her at the same time and is probably getting railed by one or two at this very moment.


This girl is pretty cute. Idk what you fags are blabbering about ITT


just banged a 10/10 SHAB from anitinder


I told you guys about how my Chinese otakette exgf accepted my friend request and now we're talking again for the first time in 12 years and I heard something on On Point from WBUR about a new Red Scare targeting Chinese and Chinese American researchers in the US so I forwarded it to her and she listened to a bit of it then replied that it's only really a problem for people who take their work laptops with them on trips and that the primary concern in the community now is the corona virus so this isn't even news and oh yeah she said that because when I forwarded the podcast I said I hoped she was safe and when she replied about it not being news and the virus being more important I felt like I had embarrassed myself because it might look like I didn't care about the virus so I thought about telling her about how I had also been listening to podcasts about the virus but then I realized that that would have been self-centered so instead I replied asking for her opinion on whether the virus is getting under control


she left me on seen an hour ago bros


I love reading about your Chinese otakette ex-gf, anon, I really do, but could you please use some commas?


I was trying to be like stream of consciousness a long time ago and

ok here we go I'm gonna try it

I was trying to be like stream of consciousness, and I can't remember why exactly I started or when, but I kept doing it and I keep doing it to keep that alive


Maybe you should go back to /r9k/ if you want to read about norms being norms.




Did Otamin delete my scary dog thread?


>Bros I fucked it all up. I started saying too many stupid cringe things and she stopped responding.
Texting is only meant to set up dates.
Get off your phone.
If its long distance than you still only set up time to video chat until you're together on an actual date.


fucking beatnik

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