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Daiya, Umi or Karin. Not sure who'd I'd pick. Might be ok with a bikini Mari or Ai too.
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Oh come on. I just spent like 45 minutes moving a few thousand pictures to make space.
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Its flipping happening.
Intro was kind of long, don't think I'll reroll. Still have to spend my tickets though.
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>>493383No you're misunderstanding.
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Anyone able to download this? My phone crashes when I do, so I haven't been able to progress for a week. While searching other profiles I noticed people had actually managed to go up in level meaning they must not be having the issue.
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>>493906Yes. I hope I don't have to turn lives back on to 2d mode.
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>>503840kuukuu and friends are kicking nijigasaki out
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Hmm which one is it?
>>503858Nani is 何
This is 可
And also not 伺
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>>503858you're missing an イ
>>503851It should be HoHo (I'm not very familiar with canto tones, by it's generally low to high), but based off of Sakurako-sensei's knowledge of foreign countries from previous works, I'm expecting kěkě or Koko.
>>503860Oh, that or the new LL series is in an alt history world where china has already absorbed hong kong.
Granted I much prefer the FMP version of China as far as alt-history anime goes where china is divided between a capitalist democratic south and an auth-commie north.
>>503866Furigana won't help you. Knowing chinese will help you.
As you can see>>503868 , they opted for 'keke' in romaji, but that is zero help. The kana in the furigana above 可可 could be transscripted into kuukuu, using hepburn transscription which is the closest to english and other wectern stuff
This character usually has the reading 'ka' in japanese, like in kawaii or kanousei(which means possibility btw) (可愛い and 可能性)
So kuu could be some sort of an attempt of transscription of chinese pronounciation (I have only seen this once in a japanese grammar book), but that will fail because kana doesn't have support for intonation, so if you actually try to tell it to a chinese person, you will fail as well.
The only thing that will help you is hearing the canon pronounciation or knowing chinese.
'Tang' '唐' is read as tou in japanese ('on' reading) while furigana says 'tan', 'tang' looks like pinyin on the first glance. So, you have to know pinyin and chinese again
It means 'chinese' in japanese, so you can tell they didn't put too much effort into naming her.
Thank you for reading all this autism
>>503870its not that complicated. her name is keke which is pronounced kuukuu. spells it out pretty clearly in her self introduction.
>ミナサン、初めまして、可可デス。 クゥクゥと呼んでくださいデス。 No.503876
>>503872So basically furigana is phonetic transscription and the romaji really is pinyin.