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>>493309I will likely never be a financially independent "adult", able to afford a house, car, cell phone service, health insurance, internet, utilities, food, entertainment, etc. for myself, let alone another woman and kids.
I do not see any woman wanting to be in a long-term relationship with a man of my financial status and financial outlook.
I truly consider over 99% of every straight relationship in the adult world outside of schooling systems a form of prostitution.
The way I see it "real whores" are just cheaper and non-exclusive versions of other forms of prostitution like girlfriends and wives.
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>>493305go for it
hookers are fun
just be sure to do your research on the girls so you know it's legit
>>493307who cares about honor? plowing hookers is a good time
sex is fun
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DOn't mention sex when you contact them. If they mention sex they're probably a cop. Make sure you get a price ahead of time.
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>Paying for sex while people like henrichad are out there slaying for free
Have you no shame?
Where is your cel honor?
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>>493379Henri on a Friday night:
>Grabs the iphone nearest to him>Flips on tinder>Picks out the most attractive "18" year old girl from his 2000 matches >"Yo foid, get that ass over here and get on this dick. Bring me some Taco Bell while you're at it" >She arrives and he makes her dress up as a cartoon idol and step on his balls while he calls her mommy>They bang until sunrise >She apologizes for not being able to take all 11 inches by giving him money and a watch she was going to give to her boyfriend in the hopes Henri will give her another chance>He threatens to call the cops if she doesn't leaveYou on a Friday night:
>Calls escort praying it's not another police sting and requests the girl with the fewest STDs >Ride your bicycle to the hourly motel room with bedbugs crawling up the walls>Knock at the door and you open it to see a 6'10 380lb negroid pimp>42 year old hooker squeezes around him>She's covered in tattoos, has a cesarean scar, and is chainsmoking so much your eyes are burning>She rolls her eyes and snatches the $500 out of your hand and forces your other hand onto her sagging tit that reaches halfway down her torso>Half a hour of trying and you still can't get it up because your brain understands it is genetically inferior and does not deserve to breed >She gets fed up and goes outside and tells her pimp that you didn't pay her>The nig comes in and beats you to a pulp and steals all of your money and clothes>You have to call your mother to come and pick you upOtamin on a Friday night:
>*dabs* No.498725
>>498719im pretty sure its just the normals being completely oblivious or uncaring to anyone who isnt exactly like them
its a common trait that they seem to share
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>>498737You're on SSRIs/drugs or have some disease causing low T.
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>>498756absolutely smashing that artsy anime for teens
tits and pussy reign supreme