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No. 493305

Ok so I found some "escort" websites and whores around my area that say they're willing to do outcalls.

Is it really as simple as just calling their number, they come over to my house, and I pay money?

What could go wrong? Is there a better way?


Don't do it.
Escortcels have the worst of both worlds. They don't get the norm perks and they don't get the cel honor.


Yeah, better to think long term and spend money to improve your status long term. escorts aren't gonna grow old with you


I will likely never be a financially independent "adult", able to afford a house, car, cell phone service, health insurance, internet, utilities, food, entertainment, etc. for myself, let alone another woman and kids.

I do not see any woman wanting to be in a long-term relationship with a man of my financial status and financial outlook.

I truly consider over 99% of every straight relationship in the adult world outside of schooling systems a form of prostitution.

The way I see it "real whores" are just cheaper and non-exclusive versions of other forms of prostitution like girlfriends and wives.


Have you spent at least 1000 hours trying traditional methods? I would say that's probably "better". But don't let cowards dissuade you, stigmatizing prostitution is normalfag shit and shouldn't stop you unless you're a closeted normalfag. If you want to find out about sex so badly and you're too lazy to do the footwork, bang a whore and get it over with. Just be upfront and you're less likely to have a bad experience. I'm sure that out of the group of women willing to sell their bodies in your area, plenty of them are also willing to make accommodations for first timers and virgins.


Bro don't do it bro you're going to lose your internet virgin cred bro


I understand your feelings and your outlook however I would have you ask yourself if this is a choice you will be happy with in 40years. I know that you are hesitant to believe in yourself and think positively of the future however I would offer you inspiration that with a plan your desires can be accomplished.


Being cel is based it's like being a beast god from Hell and once you hit 30 you're granted with unfathomable knowledge of the universe




>stigmatizing prostitution is normalfag shit
what the fuck no it isn't


This. Prostitutes are women, therefore stigmatizing prostitutes is stigmatizing women, and hating women is the way of the cel.


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go for it
hookers are fun
just be sure to do your research on the girls so you know it's legit


who cares about honor? plowing hookers is a good time
sex is fun


People that aren't NPCs that are blown around by hedonism


I don't understand what you mean by the last bit of your sentence but if getting blown by strange women makes you an NPC then I'll gladly stay an NPC


really wish i had a sub 100 iq things would be so much easier


I know it's hard to undestand, but having an IQ between 50 and 75 also means you have a sub 100 IQ.


this post must be hilarious to a sub 100 iq sigh its been years since anything seemed witty to me only ever laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all these days


shut up turt


I wasn't being "witty", I thought you could understand if I explained, but I guess your brain is just too tiny and I overestimated your IQ.


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DOn't mention sex when you contact them. If they mention sex they're probably a cop. Make sure you get a price ahead of time.


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>Paying for sex while people like henrichad are out there slaying for free

Have you no shame?
Where is your cel honor?


You're awful at cost analysis


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Henri on a Friday night:
>Grabs the iphone nearest to him
>Flips on tinder
>Picks out the most attractive "18" year old girl from his 2000 matches
>"Yo foid, get that ass over here and get on this dick. Bring me some Taco Bell while you're at it"
>She arrives and he makes her dress up as a cartoon idol and step on his balls while he calls her mommy
>They bang until sunrise
>She apologizes for not being able to take all 11 inches by giving him money and a watch she was going to give to her boyfriend in the hopes Henri will give her another chance
>He threatens to call the cops if she doesn't leave

You on a Friday night:
>Calls escort praying it's not another police sting and requests the girl with the fewest STDs
>Ride your bicycle to the hourly motel room with bedbugs crawling up the walls
>Knock at the door and you open it to see a 6'10 380lb negroid pimp
>42 year old hooker squeezes around him
>She's covered in tattoos, has a cesarean scar, and is chainsmoking so much your eyes are burning
>She rolls her eyes and snatches the $500 out of your hand and forces your other hand onto her sagging tit that reaches halfway down her torso
>Half a hour of trying and you still can't get it up because your brain understands it is genetically inferior and does not deserve to breed
>She gets fed up and goes outside and tells her pimp that you didn't pay her
>The nig comes in and beats you to a pulp and steals all of your money and clothes
>You have to call your mother to come and pick you up

Otamin on a Friday night:


Good post


Henri is unironically a sex having norm so I could actually believe this


Wtf this was unironically a good cel post


I fucking LOVE /o9k/


The oat man should seriously consider renaming the board at this point.


To 2D…. Random?


steam harder teen I am an incomparable homo



I love how the norms say sex is no big deal and how sluts should be free to fuck all the Chads they want but then place strict laws against prostitution and shut down backpage and of course the sex doesn't trickle down so you aren't getting it from a gf.
Stuff like this makes me think that there is a group out there at the top that really does want low status males to suffer as much as possible.


What else will motivate the NEETs and would-be NEETs to work?


im pretty sure its just the normals being completely oblivious or uncaring to anyone who isnt exactly like them
its a common trait that they seem to share


but honour is for npcs, its illogical and something someone with double iq would care about.


or celtards being obsessed with nothing else in life.


Maybe they wouldn't be so obsessed if the norms just let them have a hooker? Alternatively they could stop talking about sex on tv and in movies and irl 24/7 and the cels would probably forget about it after a while.


Wanting 3d sex makes you a norm whether or not you get it.


it's weird how like every popular song is about sex or something


the brain is wired to want sex no matter how hard you pretend yours isn't. by your logic jerking off makes you a norm.


what about that horse song


No that's just cope for failednorms who can't evolve past caveman.


I really don't want to have sex though. Why is it so hard for you norms to understand that some people just aren't interested in sex


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You're on SSRIs/drugs or have some disease causing low T.


butthurt cope seethe project dilate


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absolutely smashing that artsy anime for teens

tits and pussy reign supreme


boids are really irredeemable hm


You will never be a woman, tranny.


It's funny, considering how deep shit is on average my favorite kind of anime.


gross boid thread, hope they all die soon from the 'rona.


I wonder if my favorite place is open these days, those sorts of people still have to pay the rent.

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