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Filter it to noid instead.
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Or just use the word girl? Its weird I don't see "foid" anywhere on /jp/ yet its spammed here into oblivion. Pretty sure its from either redd1t or memecord.
The Basedmin doesn't cater to the whims of foid-worshiping simps
>>493635Too far
>>493639What are you on about idiot it's usually teens that praise women endlessly because that's zoomer culture and they haven't had the chance to experience the evils of foidkind yet.
Once you've grown and have been pilled you show disdain for the foid.
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i dont hate women but in the end theyre apart of another group i hate, the norms.
that include pol9k norms like OP or lovelive norms like henri that probably have a high paying job and posts on ota from his office room.
meanwhile im a 33yo NEET, never worked in my life and shower maybe 10 times a year, kissless virgin and a true wizard.
most people in /jp/ spinoffs are just zoomers and norms from IRC or "gn" discord, they arent actually tru NEETs of old.
the minority spirit is truly broken, only me and perhaps T if he didnt lie 24/7 remain.
>>493646>>493647go back to norm9k
>>493648go back to Myspace
what a shitty idea for a word filter
>>493632 is better than that
>>493660norm: you have no problem having relationships and the idea of a 30 year old virgins is unfathomable
neet: stands for "you have Never Ever had a girlfriend and never Ever will have one, definiTely."
simple as.
>>493629wwwwwww otamin the madman actually put a filter on c
**.c*** that autobans you for 30 minutes.
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>>497984I don't think there are any. Been floating the idea of making a similar website though.
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Hey guys, /ota/min just made me a janitor! We were talking about moderation standards going forward, and we agreed that the "/jp/ test" makes sense. Basically, if it's not on 4chan's /jp/, we don't want it here! We believe that's in keeping with the true spirit of why /ota/ was created. So please take a second to reconsider next time you want to post something not discussed on 4chan's /jp/, like Love Live for example. If you're not finding what you need on 4chan, Gaia probably has you covered. Have a nice day!
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>>498009ii ne back to the good old days where we posted love live and anime and idolm@ster and 2hu!