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This figure managed to come out on 3/6 so some part of China is still manufacturing. I sprayed the box in lysol just to be safe though. Most other figures and anime goods are delayed to April or indefinitely.
Some aisles at the supermarket were empty today. Never seen that before.
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>>494639OC SHAB by Kaede fan Piromizu.
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Japan realized their school closure means a bunch of kids bored at home while their parents work. Some companies are doing things to help out.
Arcsys is putting some of their 3DS and Switch games on sale for only 100 yen. Also one of the Shonen Jump games will be free to play during the shut down.
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Dang, every top story on the beeb is about coronavirus
>>494668If you're an honest person, get a foldable lawn chair and go to a 24/7 supermarket and camp out until they restock.
Otherwise, just raid public restrooms for toilet paper.
>>494640Your WHAT?
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>>494736Because that's exactly what they are.
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15 rolls left.
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Did you know you can just get in the shower after taking a shit?
Also there is no good koshihikari rice left on Amazon and the ones that are are almost double the price they normally are.
>>494894> disposable gloves just wash reusable ones
>girlfriendactually just get out (unless she's 2D)
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>We're expecting things to get back to normal around July or August
The norms won't be able to survive that long. It's our time to rise brothers.
Toilet paper is barbaric and destroys the nerve endings on your anus anyways. hopefully this means more people will switch to bidets.
>>494914Can you imagine that? 50% of people are going to be out of work by conservative estimates because of lockdowns. America will become a nation of NEETs by August.
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>>494997I don't own a filter.
>>494998I am just taking into account for example a family of four. Food and toiletries go a lot faster.
>>495055It's over, it's all American taxpayers.
NEETs won't get it and I'm actually going to be so extremely mad about this I'm going to kill someone responsible for it in Minecraft.
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>>495058TV news said every child and adult with a SSN gets 2k Trumpbux, plus more later.
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>>495066Starting to doubt anything will come out of this and that it's just a publicity stunt to increase Trump's approval rating…
The House Resolution Tulsi introduced on the 12 has still yet to be agreed to in the House, and I can find no pieces of legislation regarding providing direct cash payments to Americans for COVID-19 relief. No.495121
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Christ is king.
Theres no use in prepping materials if your soul is not prepped.
Go get baptized.
Go to confession.
Pray the rosary.
Faith and reason.
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>>495126We have to be careful in this.
We cannot say as laymen…
Fatima's message was not completed by our Popes. Our Lady's requests went left unanswered. Our Lady of Akita was just the 3rd secret brought back to us by Our Lady.
So what occurred between Fatima & the virus…
Ww1, the rise of socialism, communism, "total surrender" of nations, the abolishment of crowned kings and queens, ww2, abortion, nuclear war, contraception…and spot of the time…Vatican 2.
And now the Amazon Sentate.
Exorsits asked for fasting and prayer past after the senate.
Amazon Senate…
Here on St. Joseph's feast day…
The day where God was carried in the most chaste hands of the most chaste heart of the most chaste man in all of history and time…we find ourselves gathered and discussing the virus and church affairs. A coincidence? No.
Come to the fold and become a star fust crusader.
>>495155Public masses for the most part have been shut down already.
Men who cannot get the priest to baptize their new borns have been instructed & in many diocese granted permission to baptize new borns. With that said private baptisms with 3 to 5 people are still taking place.
Actor is a gender neutral term and has been for decades. Actr*ss is othering.
>>495169>Why should one who acts, and actor be only male?it makes them sound like dudes
>So you don't get triggered and start complaining that a Marxist underground conspiracy is poisoning your language just like your water?I am a Marxist
>[Actress] implies men are the defaultNo, calling people actors implies they're men. Do you call waitresses waiters? Do you call women "sir" like in star trek?
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Whatever forget the gender shit I don't care it just sounds weird. The bigger issue is her name is "Gal" but she's not a lewd Japanese JK.
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>>495187This is a good picture.
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>With parents
>Mom gives me toast on paper towel
>Eat toast
>Throw towel away
>Mom takes towel out of trashcan
>'Anon we're running low on paper towels we can't waste any'
>Serves me samosa on old paper towel
Who ever said living with your parents during college was a good idea? Fuck em. She also refuses to use plates for some asinine reason
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>>496058Don't worry I'm still doing my part to help Nihon's economy.
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>>496078No I wipe everything down with rubbing alcohol.
>>496564People are worried so to ease their worries they put hope in an authority figure. Bush had the largest approval rating surge in history after 9/11.
Now if their worries become reality, expect Trump to become the next Hoover.
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>>499355Talk shit get hit, bitch. I'm sure the Chinese will pay the difference so they can help them cover up the next outbreak too.
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>>499441Just go into large crowds full of people most likely to have recently traveled to infected areas, bro. You don't want to be racist, do you?
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>>499445I wonder how a quarter of a million people in the same city got sick within 60 days.
>>499495I had more to say. America had decades to fix this crap with healthcare and now it's biting them in the ass. All Bernie wanted to do was take money from the rich (people who literally no joke could afford to wipe their asses with $1 and it would mean nothing) and now we are stuck in the middle of all of this.
Hopefully when AOC is elected as our first female president this will all turn around but this moment in American history should be the moment where we as a nation finally decide what is best for it and not our individual interests.
>>499496>America had decades to fix this crap with healthcare and now it's biting them in the ass. You don't need universal Healthcare. You could have a reform to helpnon time of need like pandemics, but not to where it costs each tax payer. We all know "tax the rich" means anyone who makes $100K is seen as "rich".
There's plenty to say on the matter.
>>499560Yeah, like that's the secret to get rich, you need to work less.
>b-but my veil of ignoranceJust try to find out how many hours a week the self-made billionaire work.
>>499555A family with 3 to even 8 kids making 100K a year is not wealthy. In fact they're probably just living on the edge.
Talking to someone who wants to collect taxes who doesn't even understand the basic family expedtestures is useless & proves how the masses are easily influenced by any "take from the (((wealthy))) and (((give))) to the poor" propoganda.
>>499564Any ONE.
Obviously this would be adjusted for families. Like, you know, all other matters regarding taxes and government influence on personal finances already is.
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What did you get with your trumpbux?
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>>499572I literally work for the government so I can't apply as I can't even by fired.
>>499574Actually, no.
Do many of them invest in the stock market after getting rich? Yes. Bill Gates, for exemple, now only has 1/4% of his money in Microsoft stock.
Bezos on the other hand has almost all of his money on Amazon.
But why they do this?
1 Liquidity. It's easier to get money when it's diversified.
2 It's also safer. They might earn less, but they also lose less. That's why they buy many different stock papers.
In any case, you admited that they get rich with work, not rivileged information. Now you make a cherry pick that doesn't prove anything.
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>>499577I don't actually know. If you have a SSN go to the IRS site there might be some thing you can check.
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>>499584Thanks I found it while searching for the artist behind
>>499460 .
>>499588Literally the only exception is adults claims as dependents by their parents.
Homeless people on the street can apply on a government website and they'll send the money right into their bank account.
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>>499599lameee. i'm gonna get some comissions, a tshirt, a figure, and maybe a new nesoberi!
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>>499606Post neso collection.
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>>499648Are you a purity otaku?