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I miss 4chan. I miss the old internet. I will miss /jp/. I paid the price for being a nerd. I never cared for society and the way it so blatantly ostracized me despite telling me to change myself. I hate irony because it doesn't help me cope anymore.
It's not just the forums, imageboards and chats; funny pictures with a load of gibberish attached to them. I will miss the good posters. The ones that made it all come to life. There was something more to it. It's the life they made us live. The normalfags would never understand it so naturally they had to destroy it.
It was never worth being a NEET. It was never worth devoting 20 years of my rotten life to anime, video games, manga and that weird online culture. You know? The things that are inherently geeky and that no normal person would ever draw their attention to? Or at least they were…
The good, old days are long over. All I have now are the memories of a simpler, better time. All the things that I built my life around are meaningless. I was forced to "share" them with the people who hated my existence my entire life.