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No. 494701


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Yes. The anime will be the first LL to be tagged yuri.
There are a lot of illustrations in G's and the new LL Days that never make it to the boorus. I've been holding off on buying them because a pile of magazines costs so much to ship.


gayer than nico? unlikely


Kasumin is yuri otaku freak.


dont bully kasukasu


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the gay bullies


Just wish they could remake the original Love Live! with blantant yuri and kisses and a lot more.


cant do that or the idolfans would freak


I really do wish ll was focused less on the irl idol shit, a lot of the actors really aren't the best voice actors or even singers.
It's actually kind of baffling that someone like mimori suzuko can be on the upper end of the franchise when she likely got both her well known roles from nepotism.
I've never cared about 50 year old grannies singing in the aughts and I still don't.


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Everyone loves Mimori. Idol songs are the whole point of idol shows.
Who would you cast that would be a better fit?


love live has had quite a few big names like pile and mimorin and nanjo yoshino


I'm just saying trying to specifically get really young girls limits your pool and gets you stuff like kotori, ruby, or mari - (nozomi and kanan are also pretty criticized, but they're not that bad to me) I don't really care for that.
I'd rather have grannies that sing and give lines, even if some time between 50-60 they really do lose their ability to sing as well as they used to or if they just stop practicing like prico or megumi nakajima.
Macross and symphogear kind of apply too even if everyone in symphogear is a pretty big name,and at least felt like there was conceptual honesty rather than exploitation of a market with Ranka.


i mean i think the vas do a pretty good job for the difficult way of talking ruby mari and kotori have, translating that into a singing voice must feel pretty unnatural

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