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No. 495573


The following redpill is gonna be hard for you to swallow. I invite you to watch the movie Manbiki Kazoku (Shoplifters) for a realistic impression of everyday Japanese life. Japan isn't clean, sparkly and odor-neutral like in your animes. The Japanese live like cattle on a farm, cramped into tiny one-room "apartments" that are filled to the brim with trash. The only reason you don't notice how dirty it is is because there's not enough room on the floor for piles of dirt and dust to form. They come home from shopping at a konbini and sit down at their floor-table thing without even washing their hands. They sleep in futons which they never wash (too big for a washing machine), they simply "air them out" every now and then. Yes, that's right, they sleep in their own fermented sweat and maybe piss until they buy a new futon. The summers in Japan are very hot and humid, yet the Japanese don't shower after getting home. They wipe their sweat into the furniture (which they never clean) and take turns in bathing in the same bathwater later at night. They slurp their ramen noodles for banmeshi and spill thick drops of grease everywhere. You can't even clean the floor properly since it's covered with tatami, mats made of flimsy rice weed, which are destroyed if you even step on them forcefully, let alone wipe them. They have no proper doors or windows, just paper-thin covers that slide to the side which are always open in summer, meaning the inside of their "homes" is teeming with insects. In winter they sit inside at a kotatsu in full winter clothing because they don't know about isolation in the 21st century.


Do I need to go on? I guess you're dizzy by now. "How could the country I adored for most of my adult life be such a backwater shithole?" I hear you squeal in disbelief. I know you weren't ready for this. But reality doesn't care about your feelings. I promise, you will be better off knowing this a few years down the road.


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>watching japanese movies


Mock him all you want, but he's completely right.


I watched this flick in the movies when it came out. It was very decent, best Japanese movie in a while.

The older girl was my favorite character.


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So its no different than America? What's the point you're trying to make?


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I watched Shoplifters (2018)

It's one of the most downloaded movies on Avistaz. It's ok.

My favorite Japanese movie is Waiting in the Dark (2006)

It's about a guy who sneaks into a blind girl's house and tries to live there without getting caught.


Blue Spring is another Japanese movie I really like.

This is my thread on /what/ about it.

http:// link removed due to virus ): /what/res/11914.html


Aoi Haru was my ex-gf favorite movie. The more I think about her, the more I hate it.


Fuck you I'm cel and you just talking about getting access to female vagina pisses me off.

It's not like you're some random normie you're some loser on ota, yet you don't understand the extreme pain of being unable to ever have female pussy access in your entire life.


Take solace in the fact that he will be the first to die in the new world.


If you're that steamed go pay for ssx. You'll just move the goalposts back though.


>yet you don't understand the extreme pain of being unable to ever have female pussy access in your entire life
I understand that's not enough suffering for you, teen.


Having a normal girlfriend/wife would also be paying for sex.

My main problem with "real" prostitutes is that it's not exclusive access to their holes, along with drug/disease/legal/violence issues.

I have absolutely thought about paying for an escort though.

It still wouldn't solve the psychological torment of being unwanted and never passing on your genes.

My biggest fantasy is having the sexual worth of men and females swapped, and men being scarce.

Basically imagine girls competing to have sex with you, and willing to pay money or take care of your entire life for you, no matter how ugly, fat, stupid, and broke you are. Just like current day reality for women and their opposite sex.


>My biggest fantasy is having the sexual worth of men and females swapped, and men being scarce.

>Basically imagine girls competing to have sex with you, and willing to pay money or take care of your entire life for you, no matter how ugly, fat, stupid, and broke you are. Just like current day reality for women and their opposite sex.

uhh why isn't your fantasy to just be a woman??


Because I want to fuck girls.

If I could choose my gender of course I'd rather be female, even if I had to fuck guys, because that'd be life on extreme easy mode.


>because that'd be life on extreme easy mode.


>If I could choose my gender
You can do that these days.


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Sometimes think of that foid that smiled me as I got off the train in Osaka. It startled me because the Japanese are not fond of eye contact unless you're speaking to them. After I walked like 10 feet I turned around because I was still confused thinking maybe there was something on my face and she was turned around looking at me still smiling.
Can't believe out of 8 billion people on this planet that was my one soulmate and I got caught off guard and I ran up the stairs and she disappeared back into the horde never to be seen again and by now the gods have already extended my sentence to another 1000 years of celdom with no chance of gf.

At least it makes me feel better thinking that civilization is going to fall from the China virus.


Didn't read but kill yourself anymay, you literal teenbro.


Reading and then claiming you didn't doesn't make you look cool


this is just like a movie, next week youll see her somewhere crowded and then lose sight of her and run to catch up with her and find her by a pond feeding the ducks and shell turn around and smile at you again and then you laugh and catch your breath


and the two of you will be alone there because it was after you got out of the crowd and a ways away from where you saw her


you were never in osaka returd.


I mean they probably only read up to
>Sometimes think of that foid

So yes technically they read that, but probably not the other 8000 words in that fucking whinessay.


lol he called you literally his brother what a tard


It's not that I don't hate hopeless romanticwhining too but conversely I don't understand how someone can be so inconsiderate by posting about his sexual experiences/romantic relationships either.


It's just one guy trolling. He's been posting about his "girlfriends" for months.


Small men validate themselves by hurting the weak.


Thats a nice fanfic but that happened like 3 years and 7000 miles ago she's probably died of corona or worse has been getting railed by hundreds of jbw Chads since then.


>liking 3d
can you norms fuck off already?


You really fell for that meme…?


You really want some disgusting roastie?



This posts smells jalousy


Take your meds








>Yeah, so those threads you bumped were on page 100 because nobody wanted to discuss the topic any more. Why come to a forum for dialogue and use it for mastrubatory monologue.


good thread


this post is so funny because i accidentally read Manbiki Kazoku as Machikado Mazoku and it still made sense



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the post that saved the thread


I never finished Machikado Mazoku I think I'll start it again today


its the best anime of 2019, japan agrees!


Anyone else reading this in 2020


January-June were the midboss.

July is the save point.

August-December are the final boss of 2020. Enjoy the peace while it lasts.


if we beat the final boss do we get a phoenix down to revive henri?

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