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At an individual level, the choices of many couples over the next few months will make perfect economic sense. What do pandemic patients need? Looking after. What do self-isolating older people need? Looking after. What do children kept home from school need? Looking after. All this looking after—this unpaid caring labor—will fall more heavily on women, because of the existing structure of the workforce. “It’s not just about social norms of women performing care roles; it’s also about practicalities,” Wenham added. “Who is paid less? Who has the flexibility?”
According to the British government’s figures, 40 percent of employed women work part-time, compared with only 13 percent of men. In heterosexual relationships, women are more likely to be the lower earners, meaning their jobs are considered a lower priority when disruptions come along. And this particular disruption could last months, rather than weeks. Some women’s lifetime earnings will never recover. With the schools closed, many fathers will undoubtedly step up, but that won’t be universal.
Single parents face even harder decisions: While schools are closed, how do they juggle earning and caring? No one should be nostalgic for the “1950s ideal” of Dad returning to a freshly baked dinner and freshly washed children, when so many families were excluded from it, even then. And in Britain today, a quarter of families are headed by a single parent, more than 90 percent of whom are women. Closed schools make their life even harder.
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The Chads are dropping like flies
Finally it's my turn
>>496069Lol, do you think you're some sort of superhuman? My friend, I'm 6' tall, weight 180 lbs, with 6% of BF, but that's because I'm 28 yo, remember, we all age, and for those who smoke, well, they age worse. You might be healthy now, you're 17 yo after all, just like fat young people are often ok when it comes to blood sugar level and blood pressure, but you'll age like shit if you don't stop;
>>496070Yeah man you sure know more about me and my family than I do I am an incomparable homo
But of course according to what you saw on TV HURR SMOKING IS BAD LUNG CANCER 100% OF PEOPLE WHO SMOKE DIE
>>496072No, I just like to have the statistics on my side.
>b-but I might be the exceptionYeah, just like those landwhales weighting 300lbs and saying OMG I'm so healthy *_*
>>496094Yeah I'm butthurt because you owned me with your opinion based on things pulled out of your ass about me
This is getting embarrassing, what was it about my post that set you off? You'll have to try harder if you want those good boy points for owning a "sexist" on the internet I am an incomparable homo
>>496014Yeah see, the thing is, it's illegal for you to kill a woman, but it's completely legal for a virus to kill you.
And you can't kill any woman anyway, what about ones with bodyguards?
>>496102NTA but most of them don't even need them. See, unless you live in India or Africa or Russia the police will protect them.
>b-but I'll strike firstPretty sure you'll suffer a lot more than her.