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>>496216You're pretty smart.
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>>496216What about saber marionette and other late 90s, early 00s stuff where the cheeks don't even have bones?
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>>496268I don't understand what was going through the head of whoever designed the character that they went "yeah, that looks cute"
I mean alright they aren't actually like that in the anime all the time but still god damn I mean just look at this fucking amorphous antediluvian horror
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>>496275these damn newteens don't appreciate the 90s anime aesthetic
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The first OVAs had such nice and round character designs in comparison…
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>>496276Slayers doesn't even come close to those melting blobs, it's not really a 90s thing I think it's literally just saber marionette that takes it to such retarded levels
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>>496276Both are great tbh.
They are just different. I think Gunbuster was the first show with great character design.