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Yayoi has never seen more than 10$ at once.
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Yayoi is so fucking cute. I just want to hug her (also fug and put babies in her but I think that's normal)
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I love yayoi
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>>496364i thought it was the same image but it wasn't.
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Guys, Lolimo WILL post in this thread, right?
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>>496396No way! Yayoi is a boomer idol. Lomo wasn't even born when the original game came out!
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>>496401She saw her onii chan watching original Idolmaster when she was really little.
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>>496404The actual kanan im@s anime > Xenoglossia.
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>>508339Actually, yes, I think their welfare is relatively pretty stingy and restricted in scope
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>>508340They actually spend more than the average OECD country.
No wonder why they work so hard and became a global power after losing a war being nuked twice, and when welfare started to becpme relevant they stagnated.
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>>508357finally a good fucking post
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>>508349>best country on earthweeaboo
>>508367think its funny that lots of other countries have similar issues and don't publicize them
china has race riots with death counts in the hundreds
>>508367All of that is due in equal parts to freedom and foreign interference. People are free to act shitty, so some people act shitty. And if you think other countries don't have campaigns actively trying to cause unrest in the US, you're naive. If you consider the alternative of other potential superpowers, the American empire has had an overwhelming positive presence in the world.
Also, you sound like a "born in the wrong generation" teen. Boomers were just as shitty, especially if what you're nostalgic for is Christian-esque "conservative" social values. They threw those to the wind back in the 60s and 70s and all of this same stuff was happening minus a plague.
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>>508371Because it's the business language. That means you can get wealth if you sell dumb shit to amerisheep. Countries get rich on USA so badly, USA is forced to use its military to keep the show going. It was japan's turn in the 80's, and now it is china's turn.
Meanwhile cashcow americans never go to holidays and eat garbage plastic and corn "for food" (animal fodder more like)
Don't worry, you are number one
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ancient /jp/ tradition
was also considering turning to this thread into an argument about Yomi doing the poor girl motif better
>>508379Japan is the exact opposite of leftism. Learn to read, you garbage. No wonder you won't reach the level of japan ever, they are big on reading.
You need a gun to be safe on the streets. It's not a choice, a neccesity. That's third world.
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Have you seen the price of pizza in Japan?
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>>508609but how else am I supposed to get diabetes?
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I hate nu-assmaster but this girl is very cute I like her