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>>496413Because the person that named the board and the trannies that spam Love Live are not the same spook, schizopal.
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>>496422SUPER low IQ types enjoy going to boards they don't like and wonder why they are surrounded by things they don't like.
>>496426Yeah I double checked
It's not called /jp/ - Idolshite/Henri Worship
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As F.A. Hayek would put, Spontaneous order. There's no visible force driven non idol threads out of this place, it's just how people behave here. That's how institutions are created.
It is still random, it's just that people here like to talk about idols. You wanna talk about Lain? Sure, make a thread, I love Lain as well, but don't be upset if the thread flops.
>>496435this is what i was gonna say!! but i'm glad you did it because i wouldn't have described random distribution as well as you have.
i hope you have a nice day today!
Please stick it in me
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Shit artificial board controlled by dedicated schizos from current neo-/jp/ that think this should an extension of their shithole filled with inane borderline spam threads and image dumps (booru reposts)
A curry schizo, a retard no one ever cared about and his literal teenager followers that found out about 4chan in the 2016 election, somehow learnt about /jp/ and since then have been trying really hard to fit in thinking pretend to like the retard makes them look "oldfags"
the board doesn't have a discord, the discord has a board and this is where they meet to circlejerk, no need to say anything else, but they're still better than the gnfos (4chan) newfags.
wide variety of topics, frequented by well adjusted open minded men (important distinction, for the previously mentioned holes have a few trannies in them) and not filled to the brim with pretentious neo ironic weab shit unlike this shithole where snowflakes think they're special for watching japanese cartoons for children
Merorin is the obvious choice.
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So much this
Same as himasugi, but instead it's a steam circlejerk of cancerous gay teen retards.
literally a neo-/jp/ spinoff but with no 3D. Why the fuck would you even post there if you can post on 4/jp/?
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Why do you guys even come here if you don't like idolshit?
I mean, there are places where people don't like it too, you should check them.
>>496486Yeah, and that's a bad things because…
I mean, it's such a dull, boring language when compared to any Latin language.
And as I said, being a EOP is far more embarrassing.
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>>496492>>496493you are soooooo freaking mad right now I am an incomparable homooooooooooo
without me what is just a gay pedophile porn ERP circlejerk and whatmin knows it so he is happy i bring actual content instead of your tranny club
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>>496498Toki spreading the good word on other boards.
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>>496502You're going to have to explain that one.
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>>496502>>496504Tokiko was an underage tripfag on old /jp/
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time to rename it to /jp/ - 2D/PREDICTABLE