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No. 498431

Every time I play an eroge or nukige during the sex scenes there's this awful plorp plorp plorp slap slap slap sound. I can only describe it as sounding like flesh farting. I lose my erection and can't get off for like a week. Is this really what s*x sounds like?


You think anyone here knows what sex sounds like?


It's the sound of churning meat pots


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That's why the s*x asmr is better. That week long thing might be another problem though.


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I heard my single mother bringing men home to have sex with a few times

It sounds like slapping and moaning and wishing you were never born


Kill youtself, it will be the same.


Unnecessary post.


If you weren't beta you would be fucking that pussy every day. I bet she probably had you when she was really young and still looks good to bring men home.
God really doesn't give wings to snakes.


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Honest question, if you're using birth control what's the problem with incest? Sounds far healthier than homosexual sex.


Really, thank God I'm not this pathetic. I have already kicked out a faggot my older sister brought home for being a loud piece of shit. I bet if your mom's bull asked you to eat his cum out of her loose cunt you'd do it.


Considering how much you looked pissed I assume you really consider killing yourself, huh?


Yeah as I minor I should have put my foot down and told my mother who was paying all of the bills and had custody of me that she isn't allowed to be a slut.
In the end it was almost a good thing because it showed me the truth of foids and prescribed me my first redpills.


Get the fuck out of my thread you stupid chimps


> isn't allowed to be a slut.
nooo you can't sleep with who you want, your pussy has an owner and it's me


Foid detected go back to c.c


basketcase anon


If you're sleeping around you're a slut, end of discussion.
Whether or not you consider it to be a bad thing is on you but everyone else has the right to call you out on it.


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Recommend me some good s*x asmr, Henri.


Funny how it's considered a good thing for men and a bad thing for women, huh?
I don't even like feminism, especially the third wave, but can you see how the doublethinking process working here?
>b-but I do consider it a bad thing!
1 No, you don't. You would kill to get laid 5 times a week and you know it.
2 Even if you don't most of men don't see any problem when a men fucks with everyone while women are always labeled as sluts just because they want to have sex.


Maybe because men and women are different. They have different roles in society and sex has different connotations for women because they're the ones who birth the children and are supposed to care for them. Personally I don't want a dirty whore raising and caring for my child, if it even is my child. Also men are the superior race so they get more leeway than women do. It's just how it goes.


There are evolutionary reasons for this. One man having sex with 10 women can result in many pregnancies over the course of the year. Nothing is wasted and even without genetic testing everyone knows who the father of the child is.

If ten men have sex with one woman, only one or two pregnancies may occur in one year, and no one would know the father.

Women are more biologically/genetically stable while men vary more. Women select among the men and this is how evolution happens. Men are the variable, this is why men are both more likely to be genius-level brilliant in some way but also more likely to be complete fuckups.


they're trying to slide the truth


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>Feel when too genius-level to get a gf

My genetic hand should have had the card that results in being 6'7" rather than the one that results in brilliance, then the foids would consider my genes to be valuable enough to pass on


If you're truly genius tier your destiny is to have intellectual children by passing on your genius via books or art or whatever you happen to be genius in. This is a far greater honor than having biological children.


Then I will be survived by my imageboard posts throughout the years


Reading inseI reddot doesn't make you a genious.


>giving unironic answers to the brainlet


>. Also men are the superior race so they get more leeway than women do.
Uh, I wouldn't call a "race" that has less resistence pain, has a weaker immunological system, is more prone to have almost every kind of disease to Alzheimer to Diabates and more likely to have them severe as well, has a far lower Emotional Intelligence, needs to have sex almost every day even if it doesn't feel anywhere near as good as in women and is genetically doomed to be less happy to be "superior".

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