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Ghostposts were enabled and disabled at varying times I think. It peaked for a year or two after janny wars and then stopped. I don't think there's a single ghostposter now.
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>>498697>some of them have /tv/ showing in another tab too which i dont remember eitherWere you looking for something?
4/a/ > 4/qa/ > got dissatisfied with nothing but shounenshit and unironic idiocy on 4/a/ > /ota/
When someone says something dumb on this site it's funny because you know they're just being ironic. When someone on /a/ says cringe seething dilate tranny it's gay because you know they're from Twitter or some other modern social media shithole. Also if I make a thread it does with 0 replies because no one discusses anything but hyper mainstream garbage anymore.
File: 1586303413056.jpg (474.91 KB, 1240x1080, its satania.jpg) when my fellow cels finally arrive to take ota back from the norms