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No. 498731

my schizo sis put up a bunch of old looking newspaper? titles or albums i have no idea, random titles of something on paper across the wall, its one of those supposedly retro/nostalgic looks they have in those cafes that only millenians go to.
anyways shes a guest here and started changing everything in the apartment since it looked "to old" or something like that, not that she had any permission from anyone.
she also threw away like half of the apartments stuff when she went mad, sings for hours(horribly) everyday and loudly, demanded 100$ each day, replaced everything with "eco friendly" stuff which is far more expensive than normal stuff(not with her money mind you) she also made up a new name for mum and wants to be her friend instead of her daughter.
but worst of all, she sits in a hotel all day on a mac book in the worst time possible and worst place possible in these days with the virus and all, probably gonna come home and kill mum with it.
what do i do? im a NEET living at my parents house so i cant really kick her out, what drives people to be this retarded ota?


does she want a boyfriend? she can come live with me


Rape her


thought this post was made by a tard oneesan very disappointed 1 star out of 5 (1 star for cute img)


Nice sage tranny retard


no i dont think youd be able to handle it its to much for anyone
thatd make it worse


i dunno this scare is really stressing out the norms im considering just leaving and living in my car because im tired of being screamed at for having an alarm clock or not giving a shit when people start acting like cooking food is a big deal

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